释义 |
protodiastolic protodiastolic [pro″to-di″ah-stol´ik] pertaining to early diastole, i.e., immediately following the second heart sound.pro·to·di·a·stol·ic (prō'tō-dī'ă-stol'ik), This word is ambiguous, referring to both the beginning of physiologic diastole (before aortic valve closure) and the beginning of auscultatory diastole (after aortic valve closure). S3 gallop is therefore preferred to protodiastolic gallop.Early diastolic, relating to the beginning of cardiac diastole.pro·to·di·a·stol·ic (prō'tō-dī'ă-stol'ik) Early diastolic, relating to the beginning of cardiac diastole. |