Protodiakonov, Mikhail Mikhailovich

Protod’iakonov, Mikhail Mikhailovich


Born Sept. 22 (Oct. 4), 1874, in Orenburg; died Apr. 5, 1930, in Tashkent. Soviet scientist specializing in mining.

After graduating from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1899, Protod’iakonov was arrested and charged with engaging in Social Democratic propaganda work. Until 1904, while under police supervision, he worked as director of the Sadon Lead Mine in the Northern Caucasus. He was appointed an assistant in the department of mining at the Ekaterinoslav Higher Mining School in 1904 and became a professor there in 1908. In 1914 he moved to Tashkent, where he helped organize the Turkestan People’s University in 1918. From 1925, Protod’iakonov taught at the Moscow Academy of Mines as well.

Protod’iakonov’s major works are on rock pressure, mine supports, mine airing, and technical standardization in the mining industry. He proposed an original theory of rock pressure in 1907 and derived a formula for calculating this pressure. He also developed a scale for the hardness of rocks.


Davlenie gornykh porod i rudnichnoe kreplenie, parts 1–2. Moscow, 1930–33.
Provetrivanie rudnikov, 5th ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.
Sostavlenie gornykh norm ipol’zovanie imi, 2nd ed. Moscow-Leningrad-Novosibirsk, 1932.


Zvorykin, A. A., and D. M. Kirzhner. Mikhail Mikhailovich Protod’iakonov, 1874–1930. Moscow, 1951.
Teoriia kreposti gornykh porod i nauchnyi metod M. M. Protod’iakonova. Moscow, 1974.
Rat’kina, A. P. M. M. Protod’iakonov, 1874–1930. Moscow, 1974.