Acronym | Definition |
PGM➣Program |
PGM➣Phosphoglucomutase |
PGM➣Programmable |
PGM➣Pine Grove Mills (Pennsylvania) |
PGM➣Pagemaker (software) |
PGM➣Platinum Group Metal |
PGM➣Pragmatic General Multicast |
PGM➣Professional Golf Management (various schools) |
PGM➣Program Manager |
PGM➣Past Grand Master |
PGM➣Probabilistic Graphical Model (mathematics) |
PGM➣Planning and Growth Management |
PGM➣Platinum Group of Metals |
PGM➣Program Management |
PGM➣Professional Graphics Monitor |
PGM➣Portable Grayscale Map |
PGM➣Program Model |
PGM➣Pacific Garden Mission |
PGM➣Portable Gray Map |
PGM➣Paternal Grandmother |
PGM➣Provincial Grand Master (Masons) |
PGM➣Precision Guided Munition |
PGM➣Pro Gamer |
PGM➣Policy Governance Model (various organizations) |
PGM➣Personal Genome Machine (DNA decoder) |
PGM➣Punta Gorda Middle (school; Florida) |
PGM➣Pi Gamma Mu (Social Sciences Honor Society; Winfield, KS) |
PGM➣Portable Grey Map |
PGM➣Première Guerre Mondiale (French: First World War) |
PGM➣Product Graphics Management (enterprise software) |
PGM➣Product Group Manager |
PGM➣Plant General Manager (various companies) |
PGM➣Precision Guided Missile |
PGM➣Poor Genetic Material (band) |
PGM➣Polisportiva Giardini Margherita (free info service arts culture and sports) |
PGM➣Processing Graph Method |
PGM➣Palmer Group Media, LLC (Boston, MA) |
PGM➣Plasma Gasification Melting Technology |
PGM➣Patrol Combatant Missile (Hydrofoil) |
PGM➣Planning Guidance Memorandum |
PGM➣Pocket GPS Manager |
PGM➣Past Grand Matriarch (IOOF) |
PGM➣Performance Generation Model (engineering) |
PGM➣Pragmatic Group Multicasting |
PGM➣Polynomial Generator Matrix |
PGM➣Physicians Group Management (Belleville, NJ) |
PGM➣Precision Ground Mapping (radar) |
PGM➣Profit Gross Margin |
PGM➣Program Guidance Memorandum |
PGM➣Pokémon Gem Mine (website) |
PGM➣Polynomial Generator Matrix/Matrices |