

单词 tradition



T0305800 (trə-dĭsh′ən)n.1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication: cultural practices that are preserved by tradition.2. a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage: the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.b. A set of such customs and usages viewed as a coherent body of precedents influencing the present: followed family tradition in dress and manners. See Synonyms at heritage.3. A precept or a body of precepts that are not written in the sacred book of a religion, such as the Bible, but are considered holy or true.4. A style or method of an activity or practice, especially of artistic expression, that is recognized and sometimes imitated: satire in the tradition of Jonathan Swift.5. A piece of folklore: "a popular medieval tradition that identified the queen of Sheba with the Blessed Virgin Mary" (Nicholas Clapp).
[Middle English tradicioun, from Old French, from Latin trāditiō, trāditiōn-, from trāditus, past participle of trādere, to hand over, deliver, entrust : trā-, trāns-, trans- + dare, to give; see dō- in Indo-European roots.]


(trəˈdɪʃən) n1. the handing down from generation to generation of the same customs, beliefs, etc, esp by word of mouth2. the body of customs, thought, practices, etc, belonging to a particular country, people, family, or institution over a relatively long period3. a specific custom or practice of long standing4. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity a doctrine or body of doctrines regarded as having been established by Christ or the apostles though not contained in Scripture5. (Judaism) (often capital) Judaism a body of laws regarded as having been handed down from Moses orally and only committed to writing in the 2nd century ad6. (Islam) the beliefs and customs of Islam supplementing the Koran, esp as embodied in the Sunna7. (Law) law chiefly Roman law Scots law the act of formally transferring ownership of movable property; delivery[C14: from Latin trāditiō a handing down, surrender, from trādere to give up, transmit, from trans- + dāre to give] traˈditionless adj traˈditionist n


(trəˈdɪʃ ən)

n. 1. the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, etc., from generation to generation, esp. by word of mouth or by practice. 2. something that is so handed down: the traditions of the Eskimos. 3. a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting: a break with tradition. 4. a. (among Jews) a body of laws and doctrines, or any one of them, held to have been received from Moses and orig. handed down orally from generation to generation. b. (among Christians) a body of teachings, or any one of them, held to have been delivered by Christ and His apostles but not orig. committed to writing. [1350–1400; Middle English tradicion < Old French < Latin trāditiō handing over, transfer <trādi, variant s. of trādere to give over (trā-, variant of trāns- trans- + -dere, comb. form of dare to give)]
Noun1.tradition - an inherited pattern of thought or actiontradition - an inherited pattern of thought or actioncognitive content, mental object, content - the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
2.tradition - a specific practice of long standingtradition - a specific practice of long standingcustompractice - knowledge of how something is usually done; "it is not the local practice to wear shorts to dinner"habit, wont - an established custom; "it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening"Hadith - (Islam) a tradition based on reports of the sayings and activities of Muhammad and his companionsinstitution - a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society; "the institution of marriage"; "the institution of slavery"; "he had become an institution in the theater"


noun1. customs, institution, ritual, folklore, lore, praxis a country steeped in tradition2. custom, convention, habit, ritual, unwritten law, established practice She has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants.3. style, movement, method They're marvellous pictures in the tradition of Gainsborough.


noun1. Something immaterial, as a style or philosophy, that is passed from one generation to another:heritage, inheritance, legacy.2. A body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject:folklore, legend, lore, myth, mythology, mythos.


(trəˈdiʃən) noun1. (the process of passing on from generation to generation) customs, beliefs, stories etc. These songs have been preserved by tradition. 傳統 传统2. a custom, belief, story etc that is passed on. 慣例 惯例traˈditional adjective 傳統的 传统的traˈditionally adverb 傳統地 传统地




break with tradition

To do something in a new, different, or unique way. I'm from a family of doctors, so I really broke with tradition when I went to art school! My best friend just got engaged, and she wants to break from tradition and elope.See also: break, tradition

old habits die hard

It's difficult to stop performing actions that have been established as habits or routines. Even though we're all grown up, my mother still insists on cooking and doing laundry for me and all my siblings. I guess old habits die hard. Even years after retiring from the Marines, old habits die hard. I still can't sit down for a meal without eating it as quickly as possible.See also: die, habit, hard, old

old traditions die hard

It's difficult to stop performing actions that have been established as traditions or routines. Even though we're all grown up, my mother still insists on cooking and doing laundry for me and all my siblings. I guess old traditions die hard. Even though many have died during the annual ritual, locals have been hesitant to abandon it. It seems that old traditions die hard.See also: die, hard, old, tradition

Old habits die hard.

Prov. People find it difficult to change their accustomed behavior. Joan retired last year, but she still gets up as early as she used to when she had to go to work. Old habits die hard.See also: die, habit, hard, old

old habits die hard

COMMON People say old habits die hard to mean that people often do not like to change things that they have been doing for a long time. Despite ideas of equality, old habits die hard and women still carry the main burden of looking after home and family. The Council had introduced a few small changes, but old habits die hard. Note: You can use other words instead of habit. Women are still unequal in socialist countries and old attitudes die hard. They are the first to admit that old national prejudices die hard. Note: Die-hard is used to describe people who continue to support a person or a belief that is no longer popular with most people. The band broke up in 1970 and die-hard fans have been waiting for a reunion ever since. A few diehard conservatives cling to traditional ideology.See also: die, habit, hard, old

old ˌhabits, traˌditions, etc. die ˈhard

used to say that things change very slowly: ‘Even though she’s retired, she still gets up at 6 a.m.’ ‘Well, I guess old habits die hard.’ ▶ ˈdiehard noun, adj.: A few diehards are trying to stop the reforms.diehard supporters of the exiled kingSee also: die, hard, old



1. Christianity a doctrine or body of doctrines regarded as having been established by Christ or the apostles though not contained in Scripture 2. Judaism a body of laws regarded as having been handed down from Moses orally and only committed to writing in the 2nd century ad 3. the beliefs and customs of Islam supplementing the Koran, esp as embodied in the Sunna 4. Law, chiefly Roman and Scots the act of formally transferring ownership of movable property; delivery



the totality of writings regarded by the Orthodox and Catholic churches as “divinely inspired” and second only to Scripture in significance. Tradition is distinct from Scripture and is so named because some of its works were, according to church teaching, originally transmitted orally by the Apostles and committed to writing only later. Tradition includes The Creed and The Apostolic Canons, decisions of ecumenical and some local church councils, and certain works of the church fathers. The works that constitute tradition differ for the Orthodox and the Catholic churches; in particular, papal decretals occupy a large place in the Catholic Church.

By attributing the force of “divine right” to tradition, the church is able to sanction practical measures and norms that are dictated by changing historical circumstances and that cannot be justified by Scripture and thus to establish them as immutable; examples are the universal Christian doctrine of the Trinity and the Catholic dogma of papal infallibility.

In Judaism the Talmud plays a role analogous to that of tradition, as does the sunna in Islam.



a part of the social and cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and preserved over an extended period in a given society, class, or social group; the process and methods by which a society’s heritage of material and nonmaterial wealth is transmitted. Such traditional elements include certain social institutions, norms of behavior, values, beliefs, customs, and rituals.

Tradition is not limited to its most stereotyped manifestations, such as customs and rituals; rather, it extends over a much wider range of social phenomena. All social systems have specific traditions that to a certain extent condition their functioning. The influence of tradition is most pervasive in the precapitalist social formations. While the most diverse spheres of social life—such as economics, politics, and law—have their own characteristic traditions, the latter’s influence varies in degree from one sphere to another. The weight of tradition is greatest in the religious sphere. In the arts and sciences, too, traditions play a distinct part.

Class societies are characterized by class traditions. On the one hand, class differentiation has a significant effect on each nation’s cultural heritage; on the other hand, each class and social group is marked by its own traditions. Hence the multiplicity of conflicting traditions and conflicting attitudes toward them. While each generation is necessarily the recipient of a set of traditions, it also chooses among them to some extent; in this sense each generation chooses not only its own future but its own past as well. The persistence of a given tradition over time does not of itself determine its import in modern life; to be viable, a tradition must be continuously developed by succeeding generations under changing historical circumstances. Each society, class, or group, accepting certain components of the social heritage, at the same time rejects others. Traditions may therefore be classified as positive or negative, depending on whether and to what extent they are accepted or rejected.

From the Marxist point of view, the role of tradition must be evaluated selectively. Blind obedience to tradition gives rise to conservatism and the stagnation of society; on the other hand, a contemptuous attitude toward the social heritage may lead to the breakdown of social and cultural continuity and the loss of valuable human achievements. Under socialism, the progressive values of the past and the traditions of the revolution, labor, and patriotism are preserved and promoted in conjunction with the struggle against reactionary and obsolete traditions and against inertia and routine.


Tradition is an essential component of literature and the arts. In the early stages of artistic evolution, traditions are transmitted by and gain strength through the collective creative process, as in the case of the primitive art and folklore—the “traditional” art—of the peoples of Africa, Australia, and Oceania and of the American Indians. At subsequent stages, as they undergo constant renewal, traditions are handed down directly through formal education and the succession of trends and currents that arise within a common social and cultural milieu. Art, although far removed in time and space, may nevertheless become the carrier of a living tradition. Such traditions sometimes have a more significant effect than those transmitted directly; some examples are the influence of ancient art on classicism, of Shakespeare’s and Calderón’s works on the romantic writers, of Japanese engravings on the impressionists, and of 17th- and 18th-century music on the neoclassical composers of the 20th century.

A typical trait of imitative art is its stubborn conformity to obsolete and nonviable traditions. Innovative art does not merely consist in breaking away from traditions and establishing non-traditional artistic principles; as a rule, such art also adopts and reinterprets other traditions that are relevant to the given circumstances. A new tradition is thus created and subsequently handed down. In the art of socialist realism, innovation coexists harmoniously with reliance on the classical heritage and the progressive traditions of national and world culture.


Marx, K. Vosemnadtsatoe Briumera Lui Bonaparta. In K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 8.
Engels, F. Proiskhozhdenie sem’i, chastnoi sobstvennosti i gosudarstva. Ibid., vol. 21.
Lenin, V. I. “O natsional’noi gordosti velikorossov.” Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 26.
Lenin, V. I. “Ot kakogo nasledstva my otkazyvaemsia?” Ibid., vol. 2.
Sarsenbaev, N. S. Obychai, traditsii i obshchestvennaia zhizn. Alma-Ata, 1974.
Szacki, J. Tradycja: Przegladproblematyki. Warsaw, 1971.



same as TRADITIO.

TRADITION, contracts, civil law. The act by which a thing is delivered by one or more persons to one or more others.
2. In sales it is the delivery of possession by the proprietor with an intention to transfer the property to the receiver. Two things are therefore requisite in order to transmit property in this way: 1. The intention or consent of the former owner to transfer it; and, 2. The actual delivery in pursuance of that intention.
3. Tradition is either real or symbolical. The first is where the ipsa corpora of movables are put into the hands of the receiver. Symbolical tradition is used where the thing is incapable of real delivery, as, in immovable subjects, such as lands and houses; or such as consist in jure (things incorporeal) as things of fishing and the like. The property of certain movables, though they are capable of real delivery, may be transferred by symbol. Thus, if the subject be under look and key, the delivery of the key is considered as a legal tradition of all that is contained in the repository. Cujas, Observations, liv. 11, ch. 10; Inst. lib. 2, t. 1, Sec. 40; Dig. lib. 41, t. 1, 1. 9; Ersk. Princ. Laws of Scotl. bk. 2, t. 1, s. 10, 11; Civil Code Lo. art. 2452, et seq.
4. In the common law the term used in the place of tradition is delivery. (q.v.)


  • noun

Synonyms for tradition

noun customs


  • customs
  • institution
  • ritual
  • folklore
  • lore
  • praxis

noun custom


  • custom
  • convention
  • habit
  • ritual
  • unwritten law
  • established practice

noun style


  • style
  • movement
  • method

Synonyms for tradition

noun something immaterial, as a style or philosophy, that is passed from one generation to another


  • heritage
  • inheritance
  • legacy

noun a body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject


  • folklore
  • legend
  • lore
  • myth
  • mythology
  • mythos

Synonyms for tradition

noun an inherited pattern of thought or action

Related Words

  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • content

noun a specific practice of long standing


  • custom

Related Words

  • practice
  • habit
  • wont
  • Hadith
  • institution




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