Salmon River State Forest

Salmon River State Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Connecticut
Location:In Colchester, 2 miles west of Route 149 on River Road, adjacent to Day Pond State Park.
Facilities:Picnic tables (é), fishing platform (é), pit toilets.
Activities:River fishing, fly fishing, white water kayaking andcanoeing (early spring), hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing,hunting (big and small game), sports field.
Special Features:Forest includes a long stretch of the Salmon River, which is known forits excellent trout fishing and features an area designated for flyfishing. Kayak and canoe enthusiasts come in early spring forwhitewater rapids.
Address:c/o Eastern District HQ
209 Hebron Rd
Marlborough, CT 06447

Size: 6,115 acres.

See other parks in Connecticut.