Acronym | Definition |
PFM➣Public Financial Management |
PFM➣Planning and Financial Management (budgeting) |
PFM➣Porcelain Fused to Metal |
PFM➣Portfolio Management |
PFM➣Pulse Frequency Modulation |
PFM➣Pacific Fast Mail (model railroads; Seattle, WA) |
PFM➣Premiata Forneria Marconi (band) |
PFM➣Plan For Maintenance |
PFM➣Pray for Me |
PFM➣Personal Finance Manager |
PFM➣Program Financial Management |
PFM➣Process Facility Modification |
PFM➣Personal File Manager |
PFM➣Postscript Font Metrics |
PFM➣Please Forgive Me |
PFM➣Produkte für Die Medizin AG (medical equipment producer, Cologne, Germany) |
PFM➣Prison Fellowship Ministries |
PFM➣Printer Font Metrics |
PFM➣Picture Framing Magazine |
PFM➣Pulsed Force Mode |
PFM➣Provident Fund Management (software) |
PFM➣Pension Funds Management (various locations) |
PFM➣Portal Farmaceutyczno-Medyczny (Polish: Pharmaceutical and Medical Portal) |
PFM➣Pelvic Floor Muscle |
PFM➣Pipe Facing Machine (various companies) |
PFM➣Proto-Flight Model (NASA satellite model) |
PFM➣Professional Flight Management |
PFM➣Process Flow Model |
PFM➣Pink Floyd Meddle (album) |
PFM➣Pitchfork Media (online music review) |
PFM➣Peyton Freaking Manning (football player) |
PFM➣Pre-Flight Message |
PFM➣Pen for Men (Sheaffer fountain pen) |
PFM➣Parietal Foramina |
PFM➣Pink Fish Media (music forum) |
PFM➣Project Formulation Manager |
PFM➣Porsche Flug Motor (automobiles) |
PFM➣Progressive Future Music (band) |
PFM➣Participatory Forestry Management |
PFM➣Premises Facilities Management |
PFM➣Pure Freaking Magic (polite form) |
PFM➣Proximity Fragmentation Mine (Turok 2 game) |
PFM➣Power Factor Module |
PFM➣Packet Forwarding Module |
PFM➣Port Filtering Mode |
PFM➣Precision Flight Mode |
PFM➣Personnel Files Maintenance |
PFM➣Parts Forecasting Model |
PFM➣Philippine Faith Mission (Zambales, Philippines) |
PFM➣Prospective Faculty Member |
PFM➣Polyurethane Fiberglass Mat |
PFM➣Probabilistic Forecast Model |
PFM➣Potential Fresh Meat (roller derby) |
PFM➣Postal Finance Marts (India) |
PFM➣Prefaulted Module |
PFM➣Pro-Active Fault Management |
PFM➣Process Facilities Modification |
PFM➣Preventive Fleet Maintenance (Indianapolis, IN) |
PFM➣Proxy Formation Model (paleoclimate research) |