Shchurovskii, Grigorii

Shchurovskii, Grigorii Efimovich


Born Jan. 30 (Feb. 11), 1803, in Moscow; died there Mar. 20 (Apr. 1), 1884. Russian geologist.

Shchurovskii graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1826. In 1835 he became a professor of mineralogy and geology at the university. Between 1863 and 1880 he was head of the department of geognosy and paleontology, which he had organized. Shchurovskii studied the geological structure of the Urals and the Altai. He was president of the Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnology from its founding in 1864 and one of the founders of the Polytechnical Museum in Moscow.


Raikov, B. E. Grigorii Efimovich Shchurovskii: Uchenyi, naturalist, prosvetitel’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1965.