Shchepkin, Evgenii
Shchepkin, Evgenii Nikolaevich
Born May 13 (25), 1860, in Moscow; died Nov. 12, 1920, in Odessa. Russian historian, pedagogue, and public figure. Grandson of the actor M. S. Shchepkin.
After graduating from Moscow University in 1883, E. N. Shchepkin remained associated with the chair of world history; he became a privatdocent in 1892. In 1898 he was named a professor at Novorossiia University in Odessa. Shchepkin was active in the liberal movement of the early 20th century and was a member of the Constitutional Democrat (Cadet) fraction in the First State Duma. After being dismissed from his position for signing the Vyborg Appeal of 1906, he taught at private schools in Odessa. He broke with the Cadets during the period of reaction. After the February Revolution of 1917, Shchepkin returned to Novorossiia University and joined the Borot’bysty party. He became a member of the Communist Party in 1919.
Shchepkin studied the diplomatic and military history of the era of the Seven Year’s War, the personality of the First False Dmitrii, Russian-Varangian relations, and feudalism in Western Europe. Shchepkin was the author of a number of textbooks.