Acronym | Definition |
PFL➣Personal Fall Limiter (safety product; Miller Fall Protection) |
PFL➣Preparation for Life (est. 1997) |
PFL➣Pyruvate Formate Lyase (enzyme) |
PFL➣Passion for Life |
PFL➣Popular Front for the Liberation |
PFL➣Paid Family Leave |
PFL➣Partido da Frente Liberal (Liberal Front Party, Brazil) |
PFL➣Pre Fade Listening |
PFL➣Provider Flags |
PFL➣President for Life (title) |
PFL➣Pioneer Football League |
PFL➣Priests for Life |
PFL➣Partners for Life |
PFL➣Preparation for Future Learning (various schools) |
PFL➣Powder Free Latex (gloves) |
PFL➣Pillow Fight League |
PFL➣Professional Football League |
PFL➣Platforms for Learning (Oregon State University) |
PFL➣Pre Fade Listen |
PFL➣Printing for Less |
PFL➣Patellofemoral Ligament |
PFL➣Pre-Fade Listening |
PFL➣Practical Family Living (Appleton, WI) |
PFL➣Pacific Forum Line |
PFL➣Port of Felixstowe (UK) |
PFL➣Pal for Life |
PFL➣Pulmonary Function Laboratory (various locations) |
PFL➣Pulse Forming Line |
PFL➣Parallel Functional Language (computing) |
PFL➣Practice Forced Landing |
PFL➣Paper Football League |
PFL➣Pilot Fault List |
PFL➣Project Forward Leap (Philadelphia, PA) |
PFL➣Planned Flight Level |
PFL➣Pulmonary Function Lab |
PFL➣Professional Futsal League |
PFL➣Paid for Listing (advertising) |
PFL➣Practiced Forced Landing |
PFL➣Packet Filtering Language (Firewall) |
PFL➣Plant Fuel Load |
PFL➣phrase-final lengthening (linguistics) |
PFL➣Ping for Later (Internet slang) |
PFL➣Performance for Life (proprietary chiropractic program and certification) |
PFL➣Pass Football League |
PFL➣Player for Life |
PFL➣Posting for Later (internet slang) |
PFL➣Polymeric Flocculation (wastewater treatment technology) |
PFL➣Potter for Life (Harry Potter fan forum) |