Sallah Festival

Sallah (Salah) Festival

10th day of Islamic month of Dhual-HijjahId al-Adha is an occasion of much pomp and ceremony in Nigeria, where it is also known as the Durbar Festival . This is the culmination of the Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and a day of communal prayer. People throng together in their best regalia. Processions of nobles on horseback are led by the emir to the prayer grounds. After a prayer service, the emir, dressed in white and carrying the historic sword of Katsina, is seated in state on a platform. Groups of men take turns galloping up, reining in so their horses rear up at the last moment, and salute the emir. He raises the sword in response. Later, there is entertainment by musicians, acrobats, jesters, and dancers. Niger and some other African countries also celebrate the day with elaborate festivities.
See also Id al-Fitr (Nigeria)
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
3519 International Ct. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
202-986-8400; fax: 202-775-1385
Niger Embassy
2204 R St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
202-483-4224; fax: 202-483-3169