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DictionarySeeSalixsaliva substitutes
saliva substitutes (sa-lye-vasub -sti-toots) salivasubstitutes, Entertainers' Secret (trade name), Moi-Stir (trade name), Mouthkote (trade name), Optimoist (trade name), Salivart (trade name), Salix (trade name) Classification Therapeutic: saliva substitutes Pregnancy Category: UK
IndicationsManagement of dry mouth or throat, which may occur as a consequence of: - Medications (tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, anticholinergics),
ActionComposition is similar to that of saliva.Contains electrolytes in a thickening agent (carboxymethylcellulose).Therapeutic effectsRelief of dry mouth.PharmacokineticsAbsorption: Minimal with local administration; electrolytes may be minimally absorbed through oral mucosa or with swallowing.Distribution: Action is primarily local.Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown.Half-life: Unknown.Time/action profile (relief of dry mouth)ROUTE | ONSET | PEAK | DURATION | PO | application | unknown | unknown |
Contraindications/PrecautionsContraindicated in: Hypersensitivity to carboxymethylcellulose, parabens, or other components.Use Cautiously in: Situations in which absorption of electrolytes may compromise the patient’s condition, such as potassium and magnesium in patients with renal failure or sodium in patients with HF or hypertension.Adverse Reactions/Side EffectsFluid and Electrolyte- excessive absorption of electrolytes
InteractionsDrug-Drug interactionNone significant.Route/DosageOral (Adults) Spray or apply to oral mucosa as needed.Availability (generic available)SolutionMoi-Stir—mint flavor; Mouthkote—citrus flavor: in squirt bottle, pump spray, spray canOTCSwabs: Packets of 3OTCLozenges: Packages of 100OTCNursing implicationsNursing assessment- Assess patient for xerostomia (dry mouth) or dry throat before and periodically throughout therapy.
- Assess gingiva and oral mucosa for stomatitis.
Potential Nursing DiagnosesImpairedoral mucous membrane (Indications)
Implementation- Administer as necessary for xerostomia or dry throat.
Patient/Family Teaching- Instruct patient to swish saliva substitute around in mouth after spray or application.
- Advise patient of the importance of good oral hygiene in addition to the use of saliva substitutes.
- Emphasize the importance of routine dental examinations throughout course of therapy.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes- Decrease in dry mouth and throat.