释义 |
ante-(word root) beforeExamples of words with the root ante-: antecedentante-pref.1. Prior to; earlier: antenatal.2. In front of; before: anteroom. [Latin, from ante, before; see ant- in Indo-European roots.]ante- prefix before in time or position; previous to; in front of: antedate; antechamber. [from Latin]an•te (ˈæn ti) n., v. -ted -teed, -te•ing. n. 1. a fixed but arbitrary stake in poker put into the pot by each player before the deal. 2. an individual's share of the total expenses incurred by a group. 3. the price or cost of something. v.t. 4. (in poker) to put (one's initial stake) into the pot. 5. to produce or pay (one's share) (usu. fol. by up). v.i. 6. (in poker) to put one's initial stake into the pot. 7. to pay (usu. fol. by up). [1830–40, Amer.; independent use of ante-] ante- a prefix meaning “happening before” (antediluvian), “located in front of” (anteroom). [< Latin, prefixal form of preposition and adv. ante; akin to Greek antí, Old English and- against, toward, opposite. See answer, and, anti-] TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeanteante-
ante- word element [L.], before (in time or space).ante- (an'tē), Do not confuse this prefix with anti-.Before, in front of (in time or place or order). See also: pre-, pro- (1). [L. ante, before, in front of] ante- before, in front ofante- Prefix meaning before, in front of (in time or place or order). See also: pre-, pro- (1) [L. ante, before, in front of]ante- Prefix denoting before, either in time, order or position. From the Latin ante , before.ante- prefix denoting before in time or position; in front of.LegalSeeAnteANTE-
Acronym | Definition |
ANTE-➣Before (Prefix) |