protein-losing enteropathy


 [en″ter-op´ah-the] any disease of the intestine.gluten enteropathy (gluten sensitive enteropathy) celiac disease.protein-losing enteropathy a nonspecific term referring to conditions, e.g., adult celiac disease, associated with excessive loss of enteric plasma proteins.

pro·tein-los·ing en·ter·op·a·thy

increased fecal loss of serum protein, especially albumin, causing hypoproteinemia.

protein-losing enteropathy

Gastroenterology A condition characterized by excess transmucosal efflux of plasma proteins into the intestinal lumen, due to ↑ permeability 2º to mucosal cell damage, inflammatory ulceration, or leakage from lymphatic vessels 2º to obstruction Etiology Paraneoplastic syndromes, malignancy–gastric CA, leukemia, lymphoma, KS, carcinoid tumor, melanoma, nontropical sprue, ulcerative colitis, intestinal lymphangiectasia, CHF, constrictive pericarditis, superior vena cava thrombosis, Ménétrier's disease, eosinophilic gastroentropathy, sarcoidosis, Whipple's disease, infections–giardiasis, bacterial overgrowth, viral enteritis, schistosomiasis, C difficile, pulmonary artery stenosis, SLE, amyloidosis Clinical Diarrhea, weight loss, peripheral edema Imaging Thickened intestinal wall by CT Lab ↓ Albumin Management Treat underlying cause

pro·tein-los·ing en·ter·op·a·thy

(prō'tēn-lūz'ing en'tĕr-op'ă-thē) Increased fecal loss of serum protein, especially albumin, causing hypoproteinemia.