

 [ste″ah-ti´tis] inflammation of fatty tissue; see also panniculitis.


(stē'ă-tī'tis), Inflammation of adipose tissue. [G. stear (steat-), tallow, + -itis, inflammation]

yellow fat disease

A vitamin E deficiency syndrome affecting various mammals, in particular cats, who are fed excess omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oils, especially tuna.
Clinical findings
Greasy, dull coat and flaky skin; severe pain when touched; anorexia, fever. In humans, excess fish-oils cause increased bleeding time, especially after aspirin ingestion, which may play a role in cardiac necrosis and increased susceptibility to catecholamine-induced stress.
Limit intake of tuna; add vitamin E to diet.


(stē'ă-tī'tis) Inflammation of adipose tissue. [G. stear (steat-), tallow, + -itis, inflammation]