释义 |
so·les S5597900 (sō′lĕs)n. Plural of sol3.sol1 (soʊl) also so n. the musical syllable for the fifth tone of a diatonic scale. [1275–1325; Middle English < Latin solve; see gamut] sol2 (soʊl, sɒl) also sou n. a former coin and money of account of France. [1575–85; < Old French sol < Late Latin solidus solidus1] sol3 (soʊl, sɒl; Sp. sɔl) n., pl. sols, Sp. so•les (ˈsɔ lɛs) the basic monetary unit of Peru. [1880–85; < American Spanish: sun, Sp < Latin sōl] sol4 (sɔl, sɒl) n. a fluid colloidal solution. [1885–95] Sol (sɒl) n. 1. a personification of the sun. 2. the Roman god of the sun, identified with the Greek god Helios. -sol a combining form meaning “soil” of the kind specified by the initial element: spodosol. [< Latin solum soil] Sol. 1. Solicitor. 2. Solomon. EncyclopediaSeesolMedicalSeesoleLegalSeeSoleSOLES
Acronym | Definition |
SOLES➣School of Leadership and Education Sciences (University of San Diego; California) | SOLES➣Survivors of Law Enforcement Suicide | SOLES➣Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists (est. 1978) |