Shaternikov, Mikhail
Shaternikov, Mikhail Nikolaevich
Born Oct. 9 (21), 1870, in Moscow; died there Sept. 1, 1939. Soviet physiologist. Honored scientist of the RSFSR (1935).
A student and close co-worker of I. M. Sechenov, Shaternikov graduated from Moscow University in 1896. From 1903 to 1924 he was a professor at the Moscow Advanced Courses for Women (later, the Second Moscow State University); from 1917 until his death, Shaternikov was a professor in the faculty of medicine at Moscow University (later, the First Moscow Medical Institute). At the same time, from 1920, he was the first director of the Institute of the Physiology of Nutrition.
Shaternikov’s main works dealt with neuromuscular physiology, the physiology of the sense organs, and problems of metabolism and nutrition. Shaternikov developed a methodology for studying gas exchange in man; he studied gas exchange in the presence of various physiological and pathological conditions, using a number of instruments of his own design. The development of physiological nutritional norms for various professions and age groups of the population was begun under Shaternikov’s direction.
“K metodike issledovaniia gazoobmena.” Zhurnal eksperimental’noi biologii i meditsiny, 1925, no. 2.“Issledovaniia gazoobmena u cheloveka v dlitel’nykh opytakh. Ibid., 1927, vol. 5, no. 15. (With O. P. Molchanova.)
“Azotistoe ravnovesie i otlozhenie belka v tele posle golodaniia.” Russkaia klinika, 1929, vol. 12, no. 68.
“O belkovoi chasti pishchevykh ratsionov.” Voprosy pitaniia, 1932, vol. 1, issues 1–2.
Shapiro, Ia. “Zasluzhennyi deiatel’ nauki professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Shaternikov.” Sovetskaia meditsina, 1939, no. 20, p. 48.“M. N. Shaternikov, 1870–1939.” Voprosy pitaniia, 1939, vol. 8, no. 5, pp.3–4.