tip the scales

tip the scale(s)

To upset the balance of a situation, such that one side or element is favored or gains advantage. The two candidates are so close in the polls that both are vying for something that will tip the scale in their favor. The immense interconnectivity of social media has tipped the scales of power somewhat back into the hands of the ordinary population.See also: tip

tip (or turn) the scales (or balance)

(of a circumstance or event) be the deciding factor; make the critical difference.See also: Scales, tip

tip the ˈbalance/ˈscales

(also swing the ˈbalance) be the reason that finally causes somebody to do something or something to happen in one way rather than another: They were both very good candidates for the job but she had more experience and that tipped the balance.See also: balance, Scales, tip

tip the scales

1. To register weight (at a certain amount).2. To offset the balance of a situation.See also: Scales, tip

tip/turn the scales, to

To change the balance slightly so as to favor one side. The idea was expressed as long ago as Aristotle’s Politics (ca. 340 b.c.), in which he wrote “The addition of the middle class turns the scale and prevents either of the extremes from being dominant” (Benjamin Jowett translation, ca. 1875). Jowett’s wording may have been influenced by William Wordsworth’s “Ode” (1815): “Thy presence turns the scale of doubtful fight, / Tremendous God of battles, Lord of Hosts!”See also: tip, turn