Petrushevskii, Ilia

Petrushevskii, Il’ia Pavlovich


Born June 10 (22), 1898, in Kiev; died Mar. 18, 1977, in Leningrad. Soviet Orientalist who specialized in the medieval and modern history of Iran, Transcaucasia, and Middle Asia. Doctor of historical sciences (1941). Became a professor at Leningrad State University in 1947.

Petrushevskii graduated from the history and philology departments of the universities of Kharkov and Baku in 1926. He wrote works on the history of feudal relations, farming, and social relations in Middle Asia. The author of a history of popular movements in medieval Iran and a history of Islam, he also did research in the study of sources. Many of Petrushevskii’s works have been translated into Persian.


Ocherkipo istorii feodal’nykh otnoshenii v XVI-nach. XIX vv. Leningrad, 1949.
Zemledelie i agrarnye otnosheniia v Irane XIII-XIV vv. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.
“Dvizhenie serbedarov v Khorasane.” Uch. zapiski In-ta vostokovedeniia AN SSSR, 1956, vol. 14.
Islam v Irane v VII-XV vv. Leningrad, 1966.
“K istorii mazdakitov v epokhu gospodstva islama.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1970, no. 5.
“K istorii rabstva v khalifate VII-X vv.” Ibid, 1971, no. 3.
List of Petrushevskii’s works to 1968 in Istoriografiia i istochnikovedenie istorii stran Azii i Afriki, fasc. 2. Leningrad, 1968.