Petr Petrovich Migulin
Migulin, Petr Petrovich
Born Aug. 12 (24), 1870, in Kharkov; year of death unknown. Russian economist; ideologist of the big commercial-industrial bourgeoisie and the liberal gentry landlords. Octobrist.
Migulin graduated from the law faculty of the University of Kharkov and later became a professor there. From 1897 he taught a course on commercial law, and from 1899 a course on financial law. He became a member of the council of the chief administrator of land use and agriculture in 1907, and in 1914 a member of the council of the minister of finance.
From 1909 to 1917, Migulin was editor and publisher of the journal Ekonomist Rossii, which was known as Novyi ekonomist from 1913. He wrote works on agrarian questions and financial policy. Migulin opposed the confiscation of the landlords’ estates and the nationalization of land and attributed the peasants’ land shortage to the Malthusian law. He defended the financial policy of the autocracy, although he was critical of certain aspects of it. Migulin believed it was possible to attract foreign capital on a large scale to accelerate the economic growth of Russia.
Russkii gosudarstvennyi kredit (1769-[1906]), vols. 1–2, 3 [fascs. 1–5]. Kharkov, 1899–1907.Reforma denezhnogo obrashcheniia v Rossii ipromyshlennyi krizis (1893–1902). Kharkov, 1902.
Nasha bankovaia politika (1729–1903). Kharkov, 1904.
Voina i nashi finansy. Kharkov, 1905.
Agrarnyi vopros. Kharkov, 1906.
Nastoiashchee i budushchee russkikh finansov. Kharkov, 1907.
Ekonomicheskii rost russkogo gosudarstva za 300 let (1613–1912). Moscow, 1913.