

单词 sharp



S0320700 (shärp)adj. sharp·er, sharp·est 1. Having a thin edge or a fine point suitable for or capable of cutting or piercing.2. a. Having clear form and detail: a sharp photographic image.b. Terminating in an edge or a point: sharp angular cliffs; a sharp nose.c. Clearly and distinctly set forth: sharp contrasts in behavior.3. Abrupt or acute: a sharp drop; a sharp turn.4. a. Intellectually penetrating; astute: was sharp in his analysis of the problem.b. Marked by keenness and accuracy of perception: sharp hearing.5. Crafty or deceitful, as in business dealings: sharp selling practices.6. Vigilant; alert: kept a sharp lookout for shoplifters.7. a. Briskly or keenly cold and cutting: a sharp wind.b. Harsh or biting in tone or character: sharp criticism.8. Fierce or impetuous; violent: a sharp temper; a sharp assault.9. Intense; severe: a sharp pain.10. a. Sudden and shrill: a sharp whistle.b. Sudden and brilliant or dazzling: a sharp flash of lightning.11. Strongly affecting the senses of smell and taste: a sharp pungent odor; a sharp cheese.12. Composed of hard angular particles: sharp sand.13. Music a. Raised in pitch by a semitone.b. Being above the proper pitch.c. Having the key signature in sharps.14. Informal Attractive or stylish: a sharp jacket.adv.1. In a sharp manner: hit me sharp on the brow.2. Punctually; exactly: at three o'clock sharp.3. Music Above the true or proper pitch.n.1. Music a. A sign (#) used to indicate that a note is to be raised by a semitone.b. A note that is raised a semitone.2. a. A slender sewing needle with a very fine point.b. A hypodermic needle: a canister for disposing of used sharps.3. Informal a. An expert.b. A shrewd cheater; a sharper.v. sharped, sharp·ing, sharps Music v.tr. To raise in pitch by a semitone.v.intr. To play or sing above the proper pitch.
[Middle English, from Old English scearp; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]
sharp′ly adv.sharp′ness n.Synonyms: sharp, keen1, acute
These adjectives all apply literally to fine edges, points, or tips. Figuratively they indicate mental alertness and clarity of comprehension. Sharp suggests quickness and astuteness: "a young man of sharp and active intellect" (John Henry Newman).
Keen implies clear-headedness and acuity: a journalist with a keen mind and quick wits.
Acute suggests penetrating perception or discernment: an acute observer of national politics. See Also Synonyms at fashionable.


(ʃɑːp) adj1. having a keen edge suitable for cutting2. having an edge or point; not rounded or blunt3. involving a sudden change, esp in direction: a sharp bend. 4. moving, acting, or reacting quickly, efficiently, etc: sharp reflexes. 5. clearly defined6. mentally acute; clever; astute7. sly or artful; clever in an underhand way: sharp practice. 8. bitter or harsh: sharp words. 9. shrill or penetrating: a sharp cry. 10. having an acrid taste11. keen; biting: a sharp wind; sharp pain. 12. (Music, other) music a. (immediately postpositive) denoting a note that has been raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone: B sharp. b. (of an instrument, voice, etc) out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitch. Compare flat12313. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a less common word for fortis14. informal a. stylishb. too smart15. at the sharp end involved in the area of any activity where there is most difficulty, competition, danger, etcadv16. in a sharp manner17. exactly: six o'clock sharp. 18. (Music, other) music a. higher than a standard pitchb. out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitch: she sings sharp. Compare flat129n19. (Music, other) music a. an accidental that raises the pitch of the following note by one chromatic semitone. Usual symbol: b. a note affected by this accidental. Compare flat13520. (Knitting & Sewing) a thin needle with a sharp point21. informal a sharper22. (Medicine) (usually plural) any medical instrument with sharp point or edge, esp a hypodermic needlevb (Music, other) (tr) music US and Canadian to raise the pitch of (a note), esp by one chromatic semitone. Usual equivalent in Britain and certain other countries): sharpen interjslang South African an exclamation of full agreement or approval[Old English scearp; related to Old Norse skarpr, Old High German scarpf, Old Irish cerb, Lettish skarbs] ˈsharply adv ˈsharpness n


(ʃɑːp) n (Biography) Cecil (James). 1859–1924, British musician, best known for collecting, editing, and publishing English folk songs



adj. sharp•er, sharp•est,
adv., n. adj. 1. having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife. 2. terminating in an edge or point; not blunt or rounded: sharp corners. 3. involving an abrupt change in direction or course: a sharp curve in the road. 4. clearly defined; distinct: a sharp contrast. 5. pungent or biting in taste: a sharp cheese. 6. piercing or shrill in sound: a sharp cry. 7. keenly cold, as weather: a sharp, biting wind. 8. felt acutely; intense: sharp pain. 9. merciless, caustic, or harsh: sharp words. 10. alert or vigilant: a sharp watch. 11. mentally acute: a sharp lad. 12. extremely sensitive; keen. 13. shrewd or astute: a sharp bargainer. 14. shrewd to the point of dishonesty: sharp practice. 15. Music. a. (of a tone) raised a chromatic half step in pitch: F sharp. b. above an intended pitch, as a note; too high (opposed to flat). 16. Informal. very stylish: a sharp dresser. v.t. 17. Music. to raise in pitch, esp. by one chromatic half step. v.i. 18. Music. to sound above the true pitch. adv. 19. keenly or acutely. 20. abruptly or suddenly. 21. punctually: Meet me at one o'clock sharp. 22. Music. above the true pitch. n. 23. Usu., sharps. a medium-length, all-purpose sewing needle with a sharp point. 24. sharper. 25. Informal. an expert. 26. Music. a. a tone one chromatic half step above a given tone. b. (in musical notation) the symbol ♯ indicating this. [before 900; (adj.) Middle English; Old English scearp, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon skarp, Old High German skar(p)f, Old Norse skarpr] sharp′ly, adv. sharp′ness, n. syn: sharp, keen, intelligent, quick may all be applied to mental qualities and abilities. sharp means mentally alert or acute; it implies a clever and astute quality: a sharp mind. keen suggests an incisive, observant, or penetrating nature: a keen observer. intelligent means not only acute, alert, and active, but also able to reason and understand: an intelligent reader. quick suggests lively and rapid comprehension, prompt response to instruction, and the like: quick at figures.


Past participle: sharped
Gerund: sharping
I sharp
you sharp
he/she/it sharps
we sharp
you sharp
they sharp
I sharped
you sharped
he/she/it sharped
we sharped
you sharped
they sharped
Present Continuous
I am sharping
you are sharping
he/she/it is sharping
we are sharping
you are sharping
they are sharping
Present Perfect
I have sharped
you have sharped
he/she/it has sharped
we have sharped
you have sharped
they have sharped
Past Continuous
I was sharping
you were sharping
he/she/it was sharping
we were sharping
you were sharping
they were sharping
Past Perfect
I had sharped
you had sharped
he/she/it had sharped
we had sharped
you had sharped
they had sharped
I will sharp
you will sharp
he/she/it will sharp
we will sharp
you will sharp
they will sharp
Future Perfect
I will have sharped
you will have sharped
he/she/it will have sharped
we will have sharped
you will have sharped
they will have sharped
Future Continuous
I will be sharping
you will be sharping
he/she/it will be sharping
we will be sharping
you will be sharping
they will be sharping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sharping
you have been sharping
he/she/it has been sharping
we have been sharping
you have been sharping
they have been sharping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sharping
you will have been sharping
he/she/it will have been sharping
we will have been sharping
you will have been sharping
they will have been sharping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sharping
you had been sharping
he/she/it had been sharping
we had been sharping
you had been sharping
they had been sharping
I would sharp
you would sharp
he/she/it would sharp
we would sharp
you would sharp
they would sharp
Past Conditional
I would have sharped
you would have sharped
he/she/it would have sharped
we would have sharped
you would have sharped
they would have sharped
Noun1.sharp - a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note namedsharp - a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note namedmusical notation - (music) notation used by musiciansdouble sharp - a musical notation of two sharps in front of a note indicating that it is to be raised by two semitones
2.sharp - a long thin sewing needle with a sharp pointsewing needle - a needle used in sewing to pull thread through cloth
Adj.1.sharp - (of something seen or heard) clearly defined; "a sharp photographic image"; "the sharp crack of a twig"; "the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot"crispdistinct - easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints"
2.sharp - ending in a sharp pointsharp - ending in a sharp point acuate, needlelike, acutepointed - having a point
3.sharp - having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctionssharp - having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations"incisive, keen, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, knifelike, discriminating, acuteperceptive - having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment; "a perceptive eye"; "a perceptive observation"
4.sharp - marked by practical hardheaded intelligencesharp - marked by practical hardheaded intelligence; "a smart businessman"; "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease"; "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow"astute, shrewdsmart - showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness
5.sharp - harsh; "sharp criticism"; "a sharp-worded exchange"; "a tart remark"sharp-worded, tartunpleasant - disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings ; "an unpleasant personality"; "unpleasant repercussions"; "unpleasant odors"
6.sharp - having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones ; "a shrill whistle"; "a shrill gaiety"shrillhigh-pitched, high - used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency
7.sharp - extremely steepsharp - extremely steep; "an abrupt canyon"; "the precipitous rapids of the upper river"; "the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings"; "a sharp drop"precipitous, abruptsteep - having a sharp inclination; "the steep attic stairs"; "steep cliffs"
8.sharp - keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point; "a sharp pain"; "sharp winds"dull - not keenly felt; "a dull throbbing"; "dull pain"
9.sharp - having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing; "a sharp knife"; "a pencil with a sharp point"pointed - having a pointdull - not having a sharp edge or point; "the knife was too dull to be of any use"
10.sharp - (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone; "C sharp"music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannerflat - (of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone; "B flat"natural - (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone; "a natural scale"; "B natural"
11.sharp - very sudden and in great amount or degree; "a sharp drop in the stock market"sudden - happening without warning or in a short space of time; "a sudden storm"; "a sudden decision"; "a sudden cure"
12.sharp - quick and forceful; "a sharp blow"forceful - characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical); "a forceful speaker"; "a forceful personality"; "forceful measures"; "a forceful plan for peace"
Adv.1.sharp - changing suddenly in direction and degree; "the road twists sharply after the light"; "turn sharp left here"; "the visor was acutely peaked"; "her shoes had acutely pointed toes"acutely, sharply


adjective1. keen, cutting, sharpened, honed, jagged, whetted, knife-edged, razor-sharp, serrated, knifelike Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.
keen dull, blunt, rounded, edgeless, unsharpened
2. pointed, tapering, tapered, spiky, pointy sharp-toed cowboy boots3. quick-witted, clever, astute, acute, knowing, ready, quick, bright, alert, subtle, penetrating, apt, discerning, on the ball (informal), perceptive, observant, long-headed He is very sharp and swift with repartee.
quick-witted slow, stupid, dim, dumb (informal), slow on the uptake, dull-witted
4. cutting, biting, severe, bitter, harsh, scathing, acrimonious, barbed, hurtful, sarcastic, sardonic, caustic, vitriolic, trenchant, mordant, mordacious, acerb `Don't criticize your mother,' was his sharp reprimand.
cutting kindly, friendly, gentle, mild, courteous, amicable
5. sudden, marked, abrupt, extreme, distinct There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.
sudden gentle, moderate, progressive, gradual, even
6. clear, distinct, clear-cut, well-defined, crisp All the footmarks are quite sharp and clear.
clear blurred, unclear, fuzzy, ill-defined, indistinct
7. sour, strong, tart, pungent, hot, burning, acid, bitter, tangy, acidic, acerbic, acrid, piquant, acetic, vinegary, acerb a colourless, almost odourless liquid with a sharp, sweetish taste
sour mild, bland, tasteless
8. cold, biting, keen, bitter, intense, raw, chill, harsh, piercing, penetrating, icy, brisk, chilly, glacial The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been.9. (Informal) stylish, smart, fashionable, trendy (informal), chic, classy (slang), snappy, natty (informal), dressy Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit.10. acute, violent, severe, intense, painful, shooting, distressing, stabbing, fierce, stinging, piercing, sore, excruciating, gut-wrenching I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.11. steep, sheer, vertical, abrupt, precipitous There could be a sharp drop at the entrance to the cave.
adverb1. promptly, precisely, exactly, on time, on the dot, punctually She planned to unlock the store at 8.00 sharp.
promptly roughly, more or less, approximately, vaguely, round about
2. suddenly, unexpectedly, abruptly, without warning Events mid-month should pull you up sharp.
suddenly slowly, gradually, gently, bit by bit


adjective1. Having a fine edge, as for cutting:keen.2. Having an end that tapers to a point:acicular, aciculate, aciculated, acuminate, acute, cuspate, cuspated, cuspidate, cuspidated, mucronate, pointed, pointy.3. Clearly defined; not ambiguous:clear, distinct, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable.4. Mentally quick and original:alert, bright, clever, intelligent, keen, quick, quick-witted, sharp-witted, smart.Idiom: smart as a whip.5. Possessing or displaying perceptions of great accuracy and sensitivity:acute, incisive, keen, penetrating, perceptive, probing, sensitive, trenchant.6. Deceitfully clever:artful, crafty, cunning, foxy, guileful, scheming, sly, tricky, wily.7. So sharp as to cause mental pain:acerbic, acid, acidic, acrid, astringent, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordacious, mordant, pungent, scathing, slashing, stinging, trenchant, truculent, vitriolic.8. Marked by severity or intensity:acute, gnawing, knifelike, lancinating, piercing, shooting, stabbing.9. Affecting the organs of taste or smell with a strong and often harsh sensation:piquant, pungent, spicy, zesty.Archaic: poignant.10. Informal. Being or in accordance with the current fashion:à la mode, chic, dashing, fashionable, mod, modish, posh, smart, stylish, swank, swanky, trig.Informal: classy, in, snappy, swish, tony, trendy.Slang: with-it.Idioms: all the rage, up to the minute.


(ʃaːp) adjective1. having a thin edge that can cut or a point that can pierce. a sharp knife. 鋒利的,尖的 锋利的,尖的 2. (of pictures, outlines etc) clear and distinct. the sharp outline of the mountain. 輪廓鮮明的 轮廓鲜明的3. (of changes in direction) sudden and quick. a sharp left turn. 突然快速的 急转的4. (of pain etc) keen, acute or intense. He gets a sharp pain after eating. 劇烈的(痛等) 剧烈的(痛等) 5. (often with with) severe. Don't be so sharp with the child!; She got a sharp reproach from me. 嚴厲的 严厉的6. alert. Dogs have sharp ears. 機警的 机警的7. shrill and sudden. a sharp cry. 剌耳的 剌耳的8. of a musical note, raised a semitone; too high in pitch. F sharp; That last note was sharp. (音符)升半音的,音高過高的 (音)升半音的,音偏高的 adverb1. punctually. Come at six (o'clock) sharp. (時間)整點 正点(指时刻) 2. with an abrupt change of direction. Turn sharp left here. 急轉 急转3. at too high a pitch. You're singing sharp. 音高過高地 音偏高地 noun1. a sharp note. sharps and flats. 升高半音 升号,升半音 2. a sign (#) to show that a note is to be raised a semitone. 升半音記號 升半音ˈsharpen verb to make or grow sharp. He sharpened his pencil. 削尖,變尖 削尖ˈsharpener noun an instrument for sharpening. a pencil-sharpener. 磨削工具(如削鉛筆機) 磨削器,削刀 ˈsharply adverb in a sharp manner. a sharply-pointed piece of glass; The road turned sharply to the left; He rebuked her sharply. 尖銳地,急劇地 锐利地,急剧地 ˈsharpness noun 鋒利 锋利sharp practice dishonesty or cheating. 欺詐 欺诈ˌsharp-ˈwitted adjective intelligent and alert. a sharp-witted boy. 機靈的 机智的look sharp to be quick or to hurry. Bring me the books and look sharp (about it)! 趕快 赶快


尖锐的zhCN, 锋利的zhCN



1. mod. clever; intelligent. She’s sharp enough to see right through everything you say. 2. mod. good-looking; well-dressed. That’s a sharp set of wheels you got there.
  • (as) sharp as a needle
  • (as) sharp as a razor
  • (as) sharp as a steel trap
  • (as) sharp as a tack
  • (as) sharp as a whip
  • a short, sharp shock
  • all sharped up
  • at (some time) sharp
  • at some time sharp
  • be as sharp as a tack
  • have a mind as sharp as a steel trap
  • have a sharp tongue
  • keep a sharp lookout (for something or someone)
  • keep an eye out for
  • look lively/sharp
  • look sharp
  • not the sharpest knife in the drawer
  • not the sharpest pencil in the cup
  • not the sharpest tool in the shed
  • razor-sharp
  • sharp
  • sharp as a needle
  • sharp as a razor
  • sharp as a tack
  • sharp cookie
  • sharp practice
  • sharp tongue
  • sharp wit
  • short sharp shock
  • short, sharp shock
  • the sharp end
  • throw into sharp relief



1. Musica. denoting a note that has been raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone b. (of an instrument, voice, etc.) out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitch 2. Musica. an accidental that raises the pitch of the following note by one chromatic semitone. b. a note affected by this accidental 3. any medical instrument with sharp point or edge, esp a hypodermic needle


Cecil (James). 1859--1924, British musician, best known for collecting, editing, and publishing English folk songs





Abbreviation for:
Sexual Health Attitude Restructuring Process


Cardiology A clinical trial–Subcutaneous Heparin & Angioplasty Restenosis Trial that evaluated effects of high dose unfractionated heparin in preventing restenosis after PCTA in Pts with CAD. See Coronary artery disease, Heparin, Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.


Any medical instrument with a sharp point or edge, especially an injection needle or a disposable scalpel, that, handled carelessly may inflict injury or dangerous infection on the user.


SHARPSafety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (Massachusetts)
SHARPSexual Harrassment/Assualt Prevention Program (US Army)
SHARPSheriffs’ Automobile Risk Program (Florida)
SHARPSociety for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
SHARPSexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (US Army)
SHARPStationary High Altitude Relay Platform (Canada)
SHARPShared Reconnaissance Pod (reconnaissance system in development for Navy aircraft)
SHARPSierra Hotel Aviation Readiness Program
SHARPSafety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention
SHARPSummer High-School Apprenticeship Research Program
SHARPSkin Heads Against Racial Prejudice
SHARPSyrian Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan
SHARPSMART/HDAC1 Associated Repressor Protein
SHARPShelter Housing Aid and Research Project (UK)
SHARPSuper High Altitude Research Project (1990s project to develop a high-velocity gun)
SHARPSelf-Healing Alternate Route Protection
SHARPSummer High School Apprentice Research Program (NASA)
SHARPSociety for Houston Area Robotics Projects (Houston, TX)
SHARPSharp Hybrid Adaptive Routing Protocol
SHARPScience, Health and Related Policies Network (Scientists and Engineers for America)
SHARPShips Analysis And Retrieval Project
SHARPSlender Hypervelocity Aerothermodynamic Research Probe (experimental space-vehicle)
SHARPSystem for Human Activity Recognition and Prediction (Intel computer R&D)
SHARPStandard Hardware Acquisition and Reliability Program
SHARPSexual Harassment and Racism Prevention (Canadian Forces)
SHARPSexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program
SHARPSingles Having A Real Purpose
SHARPSocial Habilitation And Relapse Prevention
SHARPSystem-Oriented High-Range Resolution Automatic Recognition Program
SHARPStatewide Health Access and Resources Partnership (Arkansas)
SHARPStandardized Hardware Reliability Program
SHARPSustainable Hardware and Affordable Readiness Practices
SHARPStreet Hockey Alternative Recreation Program
SHARPSafety Health Awareness and Recognition Program
SHARPStandard for Harassment & Racism Prevention (Canadian Forces)
SHARPSorafenib HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) Assessment Randomized Protocol (clinical study)


  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • noun

Synonyms for sharp

adj keen


  • keen
  • cutting
  • sharpened
  • honed
  • jagged
  • whetted
  • knife-edged
  • razor-sharp
  • serrated
  • knifelike


  • dull
  • blunt
  • rounded
  • edgeless
  • unsharpened

adj pointed


  • pointed
  • tapering
  • tapered
  • spiky
  • pointy

adj quick-witted


  • quick-witted
  • clever
  • astute
  • acute
  • knowing
  • ready
  • quick
  • bright
  • alert
  • subtle
  • penetrating
  • apt
  • discerning
  • on the ball
  • perceptive
  • observant
  • long-headed


  • slow
  • stupid
  • dim
  • dumb
  • slow on the uptake
  • dull-witted

adj cutting


  • cutting
  • biting
  • severe
  • bitter
  • harsh
  • scathing
  • acrimonious
  • barbed
  • hurtful
  • sarcastic
  • sardonic
  • caustic
  • vitriolic
  • trenchant
  • mordant
  • mordacious
  • acerb


  • kindly
  • friendly
  • gentle
  • mild
  • courteous
  • amicable

adj sudden


  • sudden
  • marked
  • abrupt
  • extreme
  • distinct


  • gentle
  • moderate
  • progressive
  • gradual
  • even

adj clear


  • clear
  • distinct
  • clear-cut
  • well-defined
  • crisp


  • blurred
  • unclear
  • fuzzy
  • ill-defined
  • indistinct

adj sour


  • sour
  • strong
  • tart
  • pungent
  • hot
  • burning
  • acid
  • bitter
  • tangy
  • acidic
  • acerbic
  • acrid
  • piquant
  • acetic
  • vinegary
  • acerb


  • mild
  • bland
  • tasteless

adj cold


  • cold
  • biting
  • keen
  • bitter
  • intense
  • raw
  • chill
  • harsh
  • piercing
  • penetrating
  • icy
  • brisk
  • chilly
  • glacial

adj stylish


  • stylish
  • smart
  • fashionable
  • trendy
  • chic
  • classy
  • snappy
  • natty
  • dressy

adj acute


  • acute
  • violent
  • severe
  • intense
  • painful
  • shooting
  • distressing
  • stabbing
  • fierce
  • stinging
  • piercing
  • sore
  • excruciating
  • gut-wrenching

adj steep


  • steep
  • sheer
  • vertical
  • abrupt
  • precipitous

adv promptly


  • promptly
  • precisely
  • exactly
  • on time
  • on the dot
  • punctually


  • roughly
  • more or less
  • approximately
  • vaguely
  • round about

adv suddenly


  • suddenly
  • unexpectedly
  • abruptly
  • without warning


  • slowly
  • gradually
  • gently
  • bit by bit

Synonyms for sharp

adj having a fine edge, as for cutting


  • keen

adj having an end that tapers to a point


  • acicular
  • aciculate
  • aciculated
  • acuminate
  • acute
  • cuspate
  • cuspated
  • cuspidate
  • cuspidated
  • mucronate
  • pointed
  • pointy

adj clearly defined; not ambiguous


  • clear
  • distinct
  • unambiguous
  • unequivocal
  • unmistakable

adj mentally quick and original


  • alert
  • bright
  • clever
  • intelligent
  • keen
  • quick
  • quick-witted
  • sharp-witted
  • smart

adj possessing or displaying perceptions of great accuracy and sensitivity


  • acute
  • incisive
  • keen
  • penetrating
  • perceptive
  • probing
  • sensitive
  • trenchant

adj deceitfully clever


  • artful
  • crafty
  • cunning
  • foxy
  • guileful
  • scheming
  • sly
  • tricky
  • wily

adj so sharp as to cause mental pain


  • acerbic
  • acid
  • acidic
  • acrid
  • astringent
  • biting
  • caustic
  • corrosive
  • cutting
  • mordacious
  • mordant
  • pungent
  • scathing
  • slashing
  • stinging
  • trenchant
  • truculent
  • vitriolic

adj marked by severity or intensity


  • acute
  • gnawing
  • knifelike
  • lancinating
  • piercing
  • shooting
  • stabbing

adj affecting the organs of taste or smell with a strong and often harsh sensation


  • piquant
  • pungent
  • spicy
  • zesty
  • poignant

adj being or in accordance with the current fashion


  • à la mode
  • chic
  • dashing
  • fashionable
  • mod
  • modish
  • posh
  • smart
  • stylish
  • swank
  • swanky
  • trig
  • classy
  • in
  • snappy
  • swish
  • tony
  • trendy
  • with-it

Synonyms for sharp

noun a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named

Related Words

  • musical notation
  • double sharp

noun a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point

Related Words

  • sewing needle

adj (of something seen or heard) clearly defined


  • crisp

Related Words

  • distinct

adj ending in a sharp point


  • acuate
  • needlelike
  • acute

Related Words

  • pointed

adj having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions


  • incisive
  • keen
  • penetrating
  • penetrative
  • piercing
  • knifelike
  • discriminating
  • acute

Related Words

  • perceptive

adj marked by practical hardheaded intelligence


  • astute
  • shrewd

Related Words

  • smart

adj harsh


  • sharp-worded
  • tart

Related Words

  • unpleasant

adj having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones


  • shrill

Related Words

  • high-pitched
  • high

adj extremely steep


  • precipitous
  • abrupt

Related Words

  • steep

adj keenly and painfully felt


  • dull

adj having or made by a thin edge or sharp point

Related Words

  • pointed


  • dull

adj (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone

Related Words

  • music


  • flat
  • natural

adj very sudden and in great amount or degree

Related Words

  • sudden

adj quick and forceful

Related Words

  • forceful

adv changing suddenly in direction and degree


  • acutely
  • sharply




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