Petrov, Georgii

Petrov, Georgii Ivanovich


Born May 18 (31), 1912, in Pinega, in what is now Arkhangel’sk Oblast. Soviet scientist in the field of mechanics. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958; corresponding member, 1953). Hero of Socialist Labor (1961).

Petrov worked at various research institutes after graduating from Moscow State University in 1935. In 1965 he became affiliated with the Institute of Space Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; he was the institute’s director from 1965 to 1973, in which year he became a department head. Petrov’s most important works deal with applied gas dynamics and space aerodynamics. He has done research on the propagation of oscillations in a viscous fluid, the stability of vortex layers, and the physical conditions of breakdown of a laminar flow. He has made use of optical methods for the visual study of air layers.

A recipient of the State Prize of the USSR in 1949, Petrov has been awarded three Orders of Lenin, two other orders, and various medals.


O rasprostranenii kolebanii v viazkoi zhidkosti i vozniknovenii turbulent-nosti. Moscow, 1938.
“Primenenie metoda Galerkina k zadache ob ustoichivosti techeniia viazkoi zhidkosti.” Prikladnaia matematika i mekhanika: Novaia seriia, 1940, vol. 4, issue 3.