Petros Durian

Durian, Petros


Born May 20 (June 1), 1852, in Constantinople; died there Jan. 21 (Feb. 2), 1872. Armenian poet and playwright.

The son of a blacksmith, Durian lived in poverty and died of tuberculosis. He wrote historical tragedies filled with enthusiasm for the Armenian national liberation struggle, including Black Lands (1868), Art ashes the World Conqueror (1869), The Fall of the Arsacid Dynasty (1870), and The Captureof the Armenian Capital Ani (1871). He wrote The Theater, or The Scorned (1871), a social drama of contemporary life. In heartfelt lyrics, Durian expressed his love for his people. His works have been translated into Russian, French, English, German, Italian, and other languages.


[Duryan, P.] Taghk’ yev t’aterergut’yunk’. Constantinople, 1872.
Yerker. Yerevan, 1947.
In Russian translation:
Poeziia Armenii. Edited by V. Briusov. Moscow, 1916.
Antologiia armianskoi poezii. Moscow, 1940.


Ganalanian, O. T. Ocherki armianskoi literat ury XIX-XX v. Yerevan, 1957.
Ghanalanyan, H. Petros Duryan. Yerevan. 1957.
T’erzibashyan, V. Petros Duryan. Yerevan, 1959.