truncus brachiocephalicus


 [trung´kus] (L.) trunk.truncus arterio´sus an artery connected with the fetal heart, developing into the aortic and pulmonary arches.truncus brachiocepha´licus a vessel arising from the aortic arch and giving origin to the right common carotid and right subclavian arteries. Called also innominate artery (see anatomic Table of Arteries in the Appendices).truncus celi´acus celiac trunk.truncus encepha´licus brainstem.truncus pulmona´lis pulmonary trunk.

bra·chi·o·ce·phal·ic (arterial) trunk

[TA] origin, arch of aorta; branches, right subclavian and right common carotid; occasionally it gives off the thyroidea ima. Synonym(s): truncus brachiocephalicus [TA]

bra·chi·o·ce·phal·ic trunk

(brā'kē-ō-se-fal'ik trŭngk) Origin, arch of aorta; branches, right subclavian and right common carotid; occasionally it gives off the thyroidea ima.
Synonym(s): truncus brachiocephalicus [TA] .