Petr Ivanovich Zinchenko

Zinchenko, Petr Ivanovich


Born July 12, 1903, in Nikolaevsk, in what s now Volgograd Oblast; died Feb. 17, 1969, in Kharkov. Soviet psychologist, doctor of pedagogical sciences (1959).

Zinchenko graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Public Education in 1930. He worked in scientific research institutes and institutions of higher education in Kharkov. After 1960 he held the positions of professor, director of the subdepartment of psychology, and director of the psychology laboratory at the University of Kharkov. He specialized in the psychology of memory. Publishing more than 100 works, he developed new methods for experimental research into involuntary and voluntary memory formation. He studied the role of memory in activities (play, education, and work) and developed a theory for the structural, genetic, and functional analysis of memory processes. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals.


“O zabyvanii i vosproizvedenii shkol’nykh znanii.” Nauch. zap. Khar’kovskogo pedagogicheskogo instituta inostrannykh iazvkov,1939, vol. 1.
“Voprosy psikhologii pamiati.” In the collection Psikhologicheskaia nauka v SSSR, vol. 1. Moscow, 1959.
Neproizvol’noe zapominanie. Moscow, 1961.