Petrescu, Camil

Petrescu, Camil


Born Apr. 9 or 21, 1894, in Bucharest; died there May 14, 1957. Rumanian writer. Academician of the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania from 1948.

Petrescu wrote a number of dramas, including The Dance of the Bad Fairies (1916-18), Hard Souls (1925), Mitică Popescu (1928), and Danton (1931). Among his novels are Last Night of Love, First Night of War (1930), and Procrustes’ Bed (1933). His work focuses on the tragic lives of heroic intellectuals who reject the bourgeois values and seek ways of reorganizing society. After Rumania was liberated from fascism in 1944, Petrescu’s philosophical and ethical search led to his alignment with those who were building socialism. In the trilogy A Man Amongst Men (1953-57), Petrescu embodies his moral ideal in the portrait of the revolutionary democrat N. Bălescu. Petrescu was twice awarded the State Prize of the Socialist Republic of Rumania.


Opere, vol. 1. Bucharest, 1968.
Teatru, vols. 1-4. [Bucharest] 1957-59.
Opinii si atitudini. Bucharest, 1962.
Teze şi antiteze: eseuri alese. Bucharest, 1971.


Petrescu, A. Opera lui C. Petrescu. Bucharest, 1972. (Bibliography.)
Popa, M. Camil Petrescu. [Bucharest] 1972.
Sîrbu, I. C. Petrescu. [Iaşi] 1973. (With bibliography.)
Camil Petrescu: Biobibliografie de recomandare. Bucharest, 1960.