


an unfortified settlement of the Tripol’e Culture, next to a village of the same name in Drokiia Raion, Moldavian SSR. Excavations by the Russian archaeologist E. R. Shtern in 1902 and 1903 revealed pisé floors—the remains of surface dwellings—flint knives, stone saddle querns and striking platforms, and clay distaffs. Pottery found included drinking vessels, pots (biconical or pear-shaped), tureens, binocular-shaped vessels, and a vessel with four feet in the shape of a cow’s udder. The pottery was painted mainly with spirals, parallel lines, zigzags, ovals, festoons, and sometimes depictions of a dog and a man with two torsos. Also found were cultic clay figurines of women and bull calves.


Shtern, E. R. fon. “Doistoricheskaia grecheskaia kul’tura na iuge Rossii.” Tr. XIII arkheologicheskogo S”ezda v Ekaterinoslave, 1905. Moscow, 1907.
Passek, T. S. “Arkeologicheskie razvedki v Moldavii.” In the collection Kratkie soobshcheniia o dokladakh ipolevykh issledovaniiakh Instituta istorii material’ noi kul’tury, fasc. 26. Moscow, 1949.