Petr Dinekov

Dinekov, Petr


Born Oct. 30, 1910, in the village of Smolsko, Pirdop. Bulgarian literary scholar and critic. Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1967).

Dinekov became a professor at the University of Sofia in 1945 and editor in chief of the magazine Transactions of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1957. His studies have been devoted primarily to Bulgarian folklore, old Bulgarian literature, and the national Renaissance. Dinekov is the author of works on Polish writers and on Polish-Bulgarian and Russo-Bulgarian literary relations.


Stara bulgarska literatura, parts 1-2. Sofia, 1950-53. (Lithographic ed.)
Bulgarski folklor, part 1. Sofia, 1959.
Vuzrozhdenski pisateli. Sofia, 1962.
Literaturni obrazi, 2nd ed. Sofia, 1958.
Pisateli i tvorbi. Sofia, 1958.
Literaturni vŭprosi. Sofia, 1963.
Iz istoriiata na bulgarskata literatura. Sofia, 1969.
Mezhdu svoi i chuzhdi. Sofia, 1969.