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vaso-orchidostomy va·so-or·chi·dos·to·my (vā'sō-ōr'ki-dos'tŏ-mē, vas'ō-), Reestablishment of the interrupted seminiferous channels by uniting the tubules of the epididymis or the rete testis to the divided end of the vas deferens. [vaso- + G. orchis, testis, + stoma, mouth] vaso-orchidostomy (vā′zō-ôr′kĭ-dŏs′tə-mē)n. Surgical reestablishment of blocked seminiferous channels by uniting the tubules of the epididymis or of the rete testis to the divided end of the vas deferens.vaso-orchidostomy (văs″ō-or″kĭd-ŏs′tō-mē) [″ + Gr. orchis, testicle, + stoma, mouth] Surgical connection of the epididymis to the severed end of the vas deferens. |