

 [vas″o-di-la´shun] 1. increase in the caliber of blood vessels.2. a state of increased caliber of blood vessels. Extreme, abnormal vasodilation is called angiectasis. adj., adj vasodi´lative.


(vā'sō-dī-lā'shŭn, vas-ō-), Widening of the lumen of blood vessels. Synonym(s): vasodilatation


(vā'sō-dī-lā'shŭn) Increase in the caliber of a blood vessel due to relaxation of smooth muscle fibers in the tunica media. This increases blood flow but decreases systemic vascular resistance.
Synonym(s): vasodilatation.


Widening of blood vessels as a result of relaxation of the muscles in the walls. This allows a greater volume of blood to pass through in a given time. Compare VASOCONSTRICTION.