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prostateof or pertaining to the prostate gland Not to be confused with:prostrate – prone, supine, incumbent; to lay flat as on the ground; to reduce to physical weaknesspros·tate P0609400 (prŏs′tāt′)n. The prostate gland.adj. Of or relating to the prostate gland. [New Latin prostata, from Greek prostatēs (adēn), prostate (gland), from proïstanai, to set before : pro-, in front; see pro-2 + histanai, to set, place; see stā- in Indo-European roots.] pros·tat′ic (prŏ-stăt′ĭk) adj.prostate (ˈprɒsteɪt) n (Anatomy) Also called: prostate gland a gland in male mammals that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra and secretes a liquid constituent of the semenadj (Anatomy) Also: prostatic of or relating to the prostate gland. See also PSA[C17: via Medieval Latin from Greek prostatēs something standing in front (of the bladder), from pro- in front + histanai to cause to stand]pros•tate (ˈprɒs teɪt) adj. 1. Also, pros•tat•ic (prɒˈstæt ɪk) of or pertaining to the prostate gland. n. 2. prostate gland. [1640–50; < New Latin prostata < Greek prostátēs one standing before. See pro-2, -stat] ThesaurusNoun | 1. | prostate - a firm partly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethra; produces a viscid secretion that is the fluid part of semenprostate glandductless gland, endocrine gland, endocrine - any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstreammale reproductive system - the reproductive system of males | Adj. | 1. | prostate - relating to the prostate glandprostatic | Translationsпредстательная железапростата
prostate a gland in male mammals that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra and secretes a liquid constituent of the semen prostate[′prä‚stāt] (anatomy) A glandular organ that surrounds the urethra at the neck of the urinary bladder in the male. prostate
prostate [pros´tāt] a gland in the male that surrounds the neck" >bladder neck and urethra; it consists of a median lobe and two lateral lobes and is made up partly of glandular matter (whose ducts empty into the prostatic portion of the urethra) and partly of muscular fibers that encircle the urethra. It contributes to the seminal fluid a secretion containing acid phosphatase, citric acid, and proteolytic enzymes, which account for the liquefaction of the coagulated semen. The rate of secretion increases greatly during sexual stimulation. Called also prostate gland. adj., adj prostat´ic. Disorders of the Prostate. Enlargement of the prostate (hypertrophy" >benign prostatic hypertrophy) is a common complaint in men over 50 years of age. Because of its position around the urethra, enlargement of the prostate quickly interferes with the normal passage of urine from the bladder. Urination becomes increasingly difficult, and the bladder never feels completely emptied. If the condition is left untreated, continued enlargement of the prostate eventually obstructs the urethra completely, and emergency measures become necessary to empty the bladder. If the prostate is markedly enlarged, chronic constipation may result. The usual remedy is prostatectomy. In men over 60 years of age, cancer of the prostate may occur. prostatitis" >prostatitis is a relatively common inflammation of the prostate and may be acute or chronic.Surgery of the Prostate. Malignancy of the prostate and intractable prostatic infection are treated by prostatectomy, which is removal of the entire gland and its capsule. Benign prostatic hypertrophy can be treated by either a closed or open approach to the gland and removal of only the hyperplastic tissue (enucleation). The closed method of treatment is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP); it is preferred when there is relatively minor enlargement of the gland, and the patient is elderly and a poor surgical risk. A resectoscope is inserted through the penis and along the urethra in a manner similar to that for cystoscopy. When the site of the hyperplasia is reached an electrical cutting loop is inserted, excess tissue is resected, and bleeders are cauterized. Other techniques that can be used with the transurethral approach are the cold punch technique, using a hollow sliding knife to scoop out tissue, and cryosurgery, in which the tissue is frozen and thereby destroyed. A TURP removes only the enlarged tissue; normal prostatic tissue and its outer capsule are left intact. The procedure is less traumatic, requires less time, and requires a shorter postoperative recovery period than any of the open methods of surgery. There are essentially three approaches to prostatic tissue that involve a surgical incision. In the suprapubic approach, an incision is made through the abdominal walls and the bladder, and the prostatic tissue is enucleated. In the retropubic approach, a low abdominal incision is made between the pubic arch and the bladder. The bladder is left intact but the prostatic capsule is incised and the glandular tissue removed. The perineal approach requires an incision between the anus and scrotum. The prostatic capsule is opened and the prostatic tissue removed. The aftereffects of surgery of the prostate vary according to the surgical procedure, the age of the patient, and other factors related to his general state of health. Almost all postprostatectomy patients experience a backflow of semen into the bladder (ejaculation" >retrograde ejaculation) during sexual intercourse. The semen is thus eliminated in the urine rather than being expelled during ejaculation. Studies show that about 6 per cent of men who have had a transurethal resection experience impotence, though there is no known physiologic cause for failure to have an erection postoperatively. The incidence of impotence is slightly higher in men who have had suprapubic and retropubic surgical approaches to the prostate. Other consequences of prostatic surgery include urinary incontinence, which affects fewer than 1 per cent, urethral scarring and strictures, which affect from 3 to 15 per cent, and regrowth of prostatic tissue, which occurs in about 3 per cent of prostatectomy patients. The urethral strictures can usually be relieved by periodic enlargement of the urethral passage. In general, more than 90 per cent of postprostatectomy patients whose condition is not malignant have successful and uncomplicated surgery. Prostate.pros·tate (pros'tāt), [TA] Do not confuse this word with prostrate.A chestnut-shaped body, surrounding the beginning of the urethra in the male, which consists of two lateral lobes connected anteriorly by an isthmus and posteriorly by a middle lobe lying above and between the ejaculatory ducts. Structurally, the prostate consists of 30-50 compound tubuloalveolar glands among which is abundant stroma consisting of collagen and elastic fibers and many smooth muscle bundles. The secretion of the glands is a milky fluid that is discharged by excretory ducts into the prostatic urethra at the time of the emission of semen. Synonym(s): prostata [TA], glandula prostatica, prostate glandprostate (prŏs′tāt′)n. The prostate gland.adj. Of or relating to the prostate gland. pros·tat′ic (prŏ-stăt′ĭk) adj.screening Medtalk The evaluation of an asymptomatic person in a population, to detect an unsuspected disease process not known to exist at the time of evaluation; screening tests measure specific parameters–eg, bp–for HTN, sigmoidoscopy–colorectal CA, imaging–eg, mammography–breast CA or lab parameters–eg, cholesterol–CAD, guaiac-positive stools–colorectal CA or Pap smears of the uterine cervix–cervical CA; screening tests in general have high sensitivities and low specificities, which allows detection of most Pts with a morbid condition, while having the acceptable disadvantage of a high rate of false positivity. See Cancer screening, Colorectal screening, Developmental screening, Drug screening, Forensic drug screening, Genetic screening, Industry screening Microalbuminuria screening, Multiphasic screening, Newborn screening Psychiatry An assessment or evaluation to determine the appropriate services for a client. Screening Blood-pressure Measured in normotensive persons-every 2 years, all age groups Breast examination, ♀ By physician-every year > age 40; mammography-every 1-2 years, age 35+, every year > age 50 Cervical cytology Pap smear every 1-3 years, starting at age of first intercourse Cholesterol Measured-every 5 years, but not in younger subjects Prostate Rectal exam, ideally every year pros·tate (pros'tāt) [TA] A chestnut-shaped body, surrounding the beginning of the urethra in the male, which consists of two lateral lobes connected anteriorly by an isthmus and posteriorly by a middle lobe lying above and between the ejaculatory ducts. In structure, the prostate consists of 3-50 compound tubuloalveolar glands between which are abundant stroma consisting of collagen and elastic fibers and many smooth muscle bundles. The secretion of the glands is a milky fluid that is discharged by excretory ducts into the prostatic urethra at the time of the emission of semen. usage note Often mispronounced as prostrate, and so misspelled. Synonym(s): prostata [TA] , prostate gland. prostate See PROSTATE GLAND.prostate or prostate gland - a gland of male animals that produces substances which are added to the semen. ANDROGENS affect the size and secretion of the prostate gland, whose exact function is unknown.
- the gland associated with the male reproductive system in ANNELIDS and CEPHALOPODS.
ProstateA gland in males below the bladder that surrounds the urethra. Enlargement of the prostate may cause problems in urination.Mentioned in: Antiarrhythmic Drugs, Antidepressants, Tricyclic, Finasteride, Fluoroquinolones, Peyronie's Diseasepros·tate (pros'tāt) [TA] A chestnut-shaped body, surrounding the beginning of the urethra in the male. The secretion of the glands is a milky fluid that is discharged by excretory ducts into the prostatic urethra at the time of the emission of semen. usage note Often mispronounced as prostrate, and so misspelled. Patient discussion about prostateQ. breating air that has tetrachloroethene in it how does it affect you if u have prostate cancer the air in my building has been determined to have Tetrachloroethylene in it i have just been diagnosed with prostate cancerA. i found a research they did in Finland about tetrachloroethene, and they saw that amongst the people who were exposed to it over the years there was an increased amount of cancerous events. and even prostate cancer. here is a link to the abstract- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7552463?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum
Q. What does treatment for prostate cancer consist of, and does it affect a male's ability to have sex? A very close friend of ours has been diagnosed with prostate cancer (it really *isn't* my partner or me!) and we were wondering what his treatment options might be.If the prostate gland is removed, does that eliminate the ability to have sex?A. There is a new procedure called the da Vinci procedure that is minimally invasive and less likely to lead to the nerve damage that causes impotence. However, it is still a risk, as well as a risk of urinary incontinence. And even if you are not impotent, your orgasms will be dry - seminal fluid is produced by the prostate. There are also other procedures, such as implanting radioactive 'seeds' into the prostate. It is my understanding that the risk of impotence from that or any other radiation procedure is higher than da Vinci surgery, but less than with traditional surgery. Chemo and broader irradiation can be recommended in more advanced cases. My brother had the daVinci procedure, and he is able to have sex.
Q. What foods or liquids, juices, proteins, fruits, are good for Male Prostate or Urinary Frequency? I am 53 YO Male with exessive urinary frequency. Is there a fruit, food, drink, pill, mojo, that would help me with this problem? I am talking about urinating 3 to 4 times every night, and or while watching TV, every hour or so. No pain, yet, an occacional after drip that is very anoying. Perhaps I have a prostate problem and should consuld with my Urologist. Yet, before I go there, does anyone know of something I can eat or drink to fix or aleviate this problem?A. Thanks for the heads-up. One of my issues is that I LOVE coffee, thus, reducing my daily consumption of 2-3 cups could be a problem. More discussions about prostateFinancialSeescreeningPROSTATE
Acronym | Definition |
PROSTATE➣Physicians for Rational Ordering of Screening Tests And Therapeutic Effectiveness |
prostate Related to prostate: prostate gland, Prostate examSynonyms for prostatenoun a firm partly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethraSynonymsRelated Words- ductless gland
- endocrine gland
- endocrine
- male reproductive system
adj relating to the prostate glandSynonyms |