

单词 regression



R0127000 (rĭ-grĕsh′ən)n.1. The process or an instance of regressing, as to a less perfect or less developed state.2. Psychology Reversion to an earlier or less mature pattern of feeling or behavior.3. Medicine Subsidence of the symptoms or process of a disease.4. Statistics A technique for predicting the value of a dependent variable as a function of one or more independent variables in the presence of random error.5. Astronomy Retrograde motion of a celestial body.6. Geology A relative fall in sea level resulting in deposition of terrestrial strata over marine strata.


(rɪˈɡrɛʃən) n1. (Psychology) psychol the adoption by an adult or adolescent of behaviour more appropriate to a child, esp as a defence mechanism to avoid anxiety2. (Statistics) statistics a. the analysis or measure of the association between one variable (the dependent variable) and one or more other variables (the independent variables), usually formulated in an equation in which the independent variables have parametric coefficients, which may enable future values of the dependent variable to be predictedb. (as modifier): regression curve. 3. (Astronomy) astronomy the slow movement around the ecliptic of the two points at which the moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic. One complete revolution occurs about every 19 years4. (Geological Science) geology the retreat of the sea from the land5. (Statistics) the act of regressing6. (Logic) the act of regressing


(rɪˈgrɛʃ ən)

n. 1. the act of going back to a previous place or state; return or reversion. 2. retrogradation; retrogression. 3. Biol. reversion to an earlier or less advanced state or form or to a general type. 4. Psychoanal. reversion to an earlier, less adaptive emotional state or behavior pattern. 5. the subsidence of a disease or its symptoms. 6. a. a statistical procedure for determining the relationship between a random variable and corresponding values of one or more independent variables. b. the relationship itself. [1510–20; < Latin regressiō. See regress, -tion]


This term implies a return to an earlier stage of psychological development. In the course of therapy, regression hypnosis is sometimes used in order to uncover the possible root of some current problem.
Noun1.regression - an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurelyregression - an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurelyarrested development, fixation, infantile fixationabnormalcy, abnormality - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies
2.regression - (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile statepsychiatry, psychological medicine, psychopathology - the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disordersdefence, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense mechanism, defense reaction, defense - (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
3.regression - the relation between selected values of x and observed values of y (from which the most probable value of y can be predicted for any value of x)regression toward the mean, simple regression, statistical regressionstatistics - a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parametersstatistical method, statistical procedure - a method of analyzing or representing statistical data; a procedure for calculating a statisticregression analysis - the use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of anotherlinear regression, rectilinear regression - the relation between variables when the regression equation is linear: e.g., y = ax + bcurvilinear regression - the relation between variables when the regression equation is nonlinear (quadratic or higher order)
4.regression - returning to a former stateregress, retrogression, retroversion, reversionreversal - a change from one state to the opposite state; "there was a reversal of autonomic function"


nounA return to a former, usually worse condition:retrogradation, retrogression, reversion.



in psychology: see defense mechanismdefense mechanism,
in psychoanalysis, any of a variety of unconscious personality reactions which the ego uses to protect the conscious mind from threatening feelings and perceptions.
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an inherent part of the evolutionary process and a special direction of the process. The level of organization of the living system undergoing regression determines the phenomenon’s evolutionary significance. Biological regression, as defined by A. N. Severtsov, involves a decrease in the number of individuals within a species or other group and a decrease in a particular group’s area of distribution, number of habitats, and number of subgroups. It may culminate in extinction of a group or in its conversion to a rare relict. In nature, the biological regression of groups least capable of competition often results in the flourishing of other groups. For example, previously prevalent sago palms and dinosaurs were superseded by other forms. The palms are preserved in the form of “living fossils,” and the dinosaurs are extinct.

Morphophysiological regression is a process of partial or complete reduction of organs and systems of organs that have lost their adaptive significance. Owing to morphophysiological regression an organism is freed from characters or organs that were useful in the past but have become useless or even harmful under changed conditions of life. There are three directions in morphophysiological regression: (1) lost formations are replaced by new, more efficient ones (for example, replacement of the notochord by a cartilaginous skeleton and later by a bony skeleton in the process of vertebrate evolution); (2) the loss of certain characters entails the development of new ones that are more appropriate to a new environment (replacement of gills by lungs when vertebrates emerged onto dry land; compensatory replacement of eyes by tactile organs in cave fauna); and (3) some structures and functions are lost and not replaced (observed, for example, when environmental conditions are simplified owing to a transition to sessile life or to internal parasitism).

The first two directions of morphophysiological regression, which lead to complexity of organization or to its maintenance on the previous level, are necessary for evolutionary progress. The third direction leads to general simplification of organization, because the regression affects not isolated characters or organs but the entire organization of the individual. This evolutionary direction was called general degeneration by A. N. Severtsov and katamorphosis by I. I. Shmal’gauzen.


Severtsov, A. N. Glavnye napravleniia evoliutsionnogo protsessa, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1967.
Shmal’gauzen, I. I. Problemy darvinizma, 2nd ed. Leningrad, 1969.
Zakonomernosti progressivnoi evoliutsii. Leningrad, 1972.




a type of development characterized by a shift from a higher to a lower state. Regression is marked by degeneration, decline in the level of organization, and loss of the ability to perform various essential functions. Regression also includes stagnation and a return to obsolete forms and structures. In its direction, regression is the opposite of progress. But between them there exists a complex, multifaceted link: on the one hand, certain regressive changes may occur within the overall progressive development of a system; and on the other hand, while regressive changes are increasing within a system as a whole, certain elements of the system may maintain a progressive direction of development.

In the development of society, the possibility of regression is inherent in the contradictory nature of the historical process itself. V. I. Lenin emphasized that “history is moving in zigzags and by roundabout ways” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 36, p. 82). Reactionary classes and forces may temporarily prevail over progressive forces, as in periods of reaction or the growth of fascism. However, these regressive phenomena are merely a product of the dissolution of obsolete social forms: new forms that have absorbed all that was enduring and valuable in their predecessors have already appeared to replace them. The dissolution of a given phenomenon does not interrupt the developmental process of the more general system; it is even one of the essential preconditions of the developmental process.


See references under progress.




in probability theory and mathematical statistics, the dependence of the mean value of some variable on one or more other variables. Unlike the purely functional relation y = f(x), where to each value of the independent variable x there corresponds a particular value of the variable y, in a regression relation different values of y may correspond to a single value of x, depending on the case. If ni values

yil, …, yini

of the variable y are observed for each value of x = xi, the dependence of the arithmetic means

on xi is a regression in the statistical sense of the term. An example of this type of dependence is the relationship between the mean diameter and height of pine trees as illustrated in Table 1 of the article CORRELATION.

In probability theory, the basis for the study of regressions is the probabilistic nature of the dependence that connects two random variables X and Y having a joint probability distribution: for every fixed value of X = x, the variable Y is a random variable with a specific conditional probability distribution that depends on the value of x. The regression of Y on X is determined by the conditional mathematical expectation of Y, calculated under the condition that X = x:

E (Y\\x) = u(x)

The equation y = u(x), in which x plays the role of an “independent” variable, is called a regression equation, and the corresponding curve is called the regression line of Y on X. The accuracy with which the regression equation of y on X reflects the mean variation of Y as X varies is measured by the conditional variance of Y, calculated for each value of X = x:

D(y\\x) = σ2(x)

If σ2(x) = 0 for all values of x, it can be confidently asserted that y and X are connected by the strict functional relation Y = u(X). If σ2(x) ≠ 0 for all values of x and if u(x) does not depend on x, we say that there is no regression of Y on X. The regression of X on Y and, in particular, the regression equation x = v(y), where v(y) = E(X ǀ Y = y), are defined in an analogous manner. The functions y = u(x) and x = v(y) are not, in general, inverses of each other.

Regression lines have a remarkable property: of all the real functions f(x), the function f(x) = u(x) has the smallest mathematical expectation E [Y-f(X)]2. This means that the regression of Y on X yields the best representation, in the above sense, of the variable Y with respect to the variable X. This property is used to predict Y on the basis of X; that is, if the value of Y cannot be directly observed and the experiment permits only the component X of the vector (X, Y) to be observed, then u(X) is used as the predicted value of Y.

In the simplest case, the regression of Y on X is linear:

E(Y\\x) = β0 + β1x

The coefficients β0 and β1, called the regression coefficients, are determined from the equations

where mx and mY are the mathematical expectations of X and y, respectively, Regression and img0034 are the variances of X and Y, respectively, and ρ is the correlation coefficient of X and Y. The regression equation here is given by the formula

When the joint distribution of X and Y is normal, both regression lines y = u(x) and x = v(y) are straight lines.

If the regression of Y on X is not linear, the last equation becomes a linear approximation of the true regression equation: the mathematical expectation E[y - b0 - b1X]2 attains its minimum with respect to b0 and b1 when b0 = β0 and b1 = β1]. The case of a regression equation that is expressed by a linear combination of particular given functions is encountered especially often:

y = u(x) = β0Φ0 (x) + β1Φ1(x) + … + βm Φm(x)

The parabolic, or polynomial, regression—in which Φ0(x) = 1, Φ1(x) = x,…, Φm(x) = xm —is of particular importance.

The concept of regression is applicable not only to random variables but also to random vectors. In particular, if Y is a random variable and X = (X1, …, Xk) is a random vector with joint probability distribution, the regression of Y on X is determined by the equation

y = u(x1,…,xk)


u(x1,…,xk) = E{Y\\X1 = x1,,…,Xk = xk}


u(x1…,xk) =β0 + β1x1 + … + βkxk

the regression is said to be linear. This form of the regression equation encompasses many types of regressions with a single independent variable; in particular, the polynomial regression of Y on X of degree k reduces to a linear regression of Y on X1, …. Xk if we set Xk = Xk.

A simple example of a regression of Y on X is the relation between Y and X expressed by Y = u(X) + δ, where u(x) = E(YI X = x) and the random variables X and δ are independent. This representation is useful in designing an experiment to study the functional relation y = u(x) between two nonrandom variables y and x.

In practice, the regression coefficients in the equation y= u(x) are usually unknown and are estimated from experimental data.

The term “regression” was first used in a special sense by the English statistician F. Galton in 1886 in his theory of inheritance. He applied the phrase “regression to mediocrity” to the relationship between the heights of tall parents and the heights of the children of such parents: the children of parents whose heights exceed the mean height of all parents by a units have on the average a height that exceeds the mean height of all children by less than a units.


Cramer, H. Matematicheskie metody statistiki. Moscow, 1948. (Translated from English.)
Kendall, M. G., and A. Stuart. Statisticheskie vyvody i sviazi. Moscow, 1973. (Translated from English.)




the retreat of the sea from its coasts. Regression occurs as a result of an uplifting of the land, a subsidence of the ocean floor, or a decrease in the water volume of ocean basins, which happens, for example, during glacial epochs. Throughout the history of the earth there have been numerous regressions in many different regions.


[ri′gresh·ən] (geology) The theory that some rivers have sources on the rainier sides of mountain ranges and gradually erode backward until the ranges are cut through. (oceanography) Retreat of the sea from land areas, and the consequent evidence of such withdrawal. (psychology) A mental state and a mode of adjustment to difficult and unpleasant situations, characterized by behavior of a type that had been satisfying and appropriate at an earlier stage of development but which no longer befits the age and social status of the individual. (statistics) Given two stochastically dependent random variables, regression functions measure the mean expectation of one relative to the other.


regressionThe precession of nodes (e.g., the moon completes a revolution in 18.6 years).


1. Psychol the adoption by an adult or adolescent of behaviour more appropriate to a child, esp as a defence mechanism to avoid anxiety 2. Astronomy the slow movement around the ecliptic of the two points at which the moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic. One complete revolution occurs about every 19 years 3. Geology the retreat of the sea from the land


(mathematics)A mathematical method where an empirical function is derived from a set of experimental data.


(2)regression testing.



 [re-gresh´un] 1. return to a former or earlier state.2. subsidence of symptoms or of a disease process.3. in biology, the tendency in successive generations toward the mean.4. an unconscious defense mechanism used to resolve conflict or frustration by returning to a behavior that was effective in earlier years. Some degree of regression frequently accompanies physical illness. Patients who are mentally ill may exhibit regression to an extreme degree, reverting all the way back to infantile behavior; this is called atavistic regression. adj., adj regres´sive.


(rē-gresh'ŭn), 1. A subsidence of symptoms. 2. A relapse; a return of symptoms. 3. Any retrograde movement or action. 4. A return to a more primitive mode of behavior due to an inability to function adequately at a more adult level. 5. An unconscious defense mechanism by which there occurs a return to earlier patterns of adaptation. 6. The distribution of one random variable given particular values of other variables relevant to it (for example, a formula for the distribution of weight as a function of height and chest circumference). The method was formulated by Galton in his study of quantitative genetics. [L. regredior, pp. -gressus, to go back]


(rĭ-grĕsh′ən)n.1. The process or an instance of regressing, as to a less perfect or less developed state.2. Psychology Reversion to an earlier or less mature pattern of feeling or behavior.3. Medicine Subsidence of the symptoms or process of a disease.4. Statistics A technique for predicting the value of a dependent variable as a function of one or more independent variables in the presence of random error.


Any return to an original state. See Atavistic regression, Generalized additive logistic regression, Hypnotic age regression, Least-squares regression, Linear regression, Past life regression, Psychoregression Medtalk The subsiding of disease Sx or a return to a state of health Oncology A receding of CA Psychiatry A partial, symbolic, conscious, or unconscious desire to return–regress to a state of dependency, as in an infantile pattern of reacting or thinking, which occurs in normal sleep, play, physical illness, and in various mental disorders.


(rĕ-gresh'ŭn) 1. A subsidence of symptoms. 2. A relapse; a return of symptoms. 3. Any retrograde movement or action. 4. A return to a more primitive mode of behavior due to an inability to function adequately at a more adult level. 5. The tendency of offspring of exceptional parents to possess characteristics closer to those of the general population. 6. An unconscious defense mechanism by which there occurs a return to earlier patterns of adaptation. 7. The distribution of one random variable given particular values of other variables relevant to it (e.g., a formula for the distribution of weight as a function of height and chest circumference). [L. re-gredior, pp. -gressus, to go back]


1. A psychoanalytic term implying a return to childish or a more primitive form of behaviour or thought, as from a genital to an oral stage. 2. A psychological term denoting a temporary falling back to a less mature form of thinking in the process of learning how to manage new complexity. Cognitive psychologists view such regression as a normal part of mental development. 3. A statistical term defining the relationship two variables such that a change in one (the independent variable) is always associated with a change in the average value of the other (the dependent variable).


In psychology, a return to earlier, usually childish or infantile, patterns of thought or behavior.Mentioned in: Bereavement, Stockholm Syndrome


(rĕ-gresh'ŭn) 1. Subsidence of symptoms. 2. Relapse; return of symptoms. 3. Any retrograde movement or action. [L. re-gredior, pp. -gressus, to go back]



A mathematical technique used to explain and/or predict. The general form is Y = a + bX + u, where Y is the variable that we are trying to predict; X is the variable that we are using to predict Y, a is the intercept; b is the slope, and u is the regression residual. The a and b are chosen in a way to minimize the squared sum of the residuals. The ability to fit or explain is measured by the R-square.

Regression Analysis

In statistics, the analysis of variables that are dependent on other variables. Regression analysis often uses regression equations, which show the value of a dependent variable as a function of an independent variable. For example, a regression could take the form:

y = a + bx

where y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable. In this case, the slope is equal to b and a is the intercept. When plotted on a graph, y is determined by the value of x. Regression equations are charted as a line and are important in calculating economic data and stock prices.


(1) A statistical technique for creating a mathematical equation to explain the relationship between known variables so that the model can be used to predict other variables when one has insufficient data. Multiple regression analysis is the basis of computerized automatic valuation models (AVM) employed instead of appraisals by many mortgage lenders. (2) An appraisal principle that if properties of relatively unequal value are located near each other, the one with the lower value will depress the value of the other. (3) A withdrawal of the sea from the land due to an uplift of the land or a drop in sea level.


Related to regression: regression analysis, regression equation, linear regression, correlation
  • noun

Synonyms for regression

noun a return to a former, usually worse condition


  • retrogradation
  • retrogression
  • reversion

Synonyms for regression

noun an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely


  • arrested development
  • fixation
  • infantile fixation

Related Words

  • abnormalcy
  • abnormality

noun (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state

Related Words

  • psychiatry
  • psychological medicine
  • psychopathology
  • defence
  • defence mechanism
  • defence reaction
  • defense mechanism
  • defense reaction
  • defense

noun the relation between selected values of x and observed values of y (from which the most probable value of y can be predicted for any value of x)


  • regression toward the mean
  • simple regression
  • statistical regression

Related Words

  • statistics
  • statistical method
  • statistical procedure
  • regression analysis
  • linear regression
  • rectilinear regression
  • curvilinear regression

noun returning to a former state


  • regress
  • retrogression
  • retroversion
  • reversion

Related Words

  • reversal




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