

单词 shapable




S0318400 (shāp)n.1. a. The characteristic surface configuration of a thing; an outline or contour: a lake in the shape of an hourglass. See Synonyms at form.b. Spatial form, contour, or appearance: The sandy coastline is always changing shape.2. a. The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal: saw two shapes walking toward her in the night.b. The contour of a person's body; the figure: a swimmer with a slender shape.3. a. A definite or distinctive form: Our discussion acquired the shape of an argument.b. Form, condition, or embodiment: How is your research project taking shape?c. A desirable form: a fabric that holds its shape.4. a. Assumed or false appearance; guise: a god in the shape of a swan.b. A ghostly form; a phantom: Shapes appeared in his bedroom at night.5. Something, such as a mold or pattern, used to give or determine form.6. a. The condition of something with regard to effectiveness, use, or appearance: What kind of shape is your car in?b. Bodily condition, as in regard to muscle tone or endurance: She's in great shape after working out for six months.tr.v. shaped, shap·ing, shapes 1. To create or fashion, as:a. To give a particular form to (a material): shape the dough into baguettes.b. To create or configure, as from a material: a sculpture that was shaped out of ice.2. To cause to conform to a particular form: a pool that is shaped like an hourglass; a bone that is shaped to bear weight.3. a. To plan or devise: shape a new educational program.b. To embody in a definite form: shaped a folk tale into an opera.4. a. To influence in a formative way: experiences that shaped his identity.b. To direct the course of: "He shaped history as well as being shaped by it" (Robert J. Samuelson).Phrasal Verbs: shape into To develop into a particular form or condition: This is shaping into one of the biggest scandals of the century. shape up1. To turn out; develop: This ski season is shaping up to be the best in years.2. To improve one's performance or behavior so as to meet a standard: Either shape up or ship out.
[Middle English, from Old English gesceap, a creation.]
shap′a·ble, shape′a·ble adj.shaped adj.shap′er n.




(Chinese, “upper cave”), the site of a Late Paleolithic settlement, located at the railroad station of Chouk’-outien, about 45 km from Peking. The items found at Shanting-tung include the bones of Neoanthropinae (the Shantingtung man) and stone and bone implements. The Shantingtung man’s chief occupations were fishing, gathering, and hunting. A burial site attests to the existence of religious beliefs. The skulls found at Shantingtung are characterized by indistinct differentiation of racial features. In general they exhibit some Mongoloid characteristics, such as a tendency toward a broad nose and alveolar prognathism.


Cheboksarov, N. N. Osnovnye etapy formirovaniia antropologicheskogo sostava naseleniia Vostochnoi Azii. Moscow, 1964.




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