Solar-Energy Conversion Station

Solar-Energy Conversion Station


(Russian, sol-nechnaia energeticheskaia stantsiia), a solar-energy conversion plant of high power. For example, a solar power station may produce thousands of kilowatts of power. Three types of solar-energy conversion stations are distinguished: (1) stations that produce only steam, (2) electric power stations, and (3) stations that produce both steam and electric power.

In solar power stations, the solar energy may be converted into electrical energy either directly, through the use of solar cells, or by means of the standard cycle of steam boiler, turbine, and generator with the solar energy being collected by concentrators. Two basic types of solar-energy conversion have been developed. In one type, a large number (for example, 103) of identical plane reflectors focus the energy of the solar radiation on a common boiler. In the other type, there are many cylindrical parabolic concentrators, each with its own tube boiler. When the power consumption in the system supplied by the solar power station is a steady curve, it is necessary to have a standby station of another type or to provide storage batteries.

Solar power stations are promising as an energy source that does not pollute the environment. Such stations are being designed in the USSR, the USA, and other countries. They are expected to be put into operation in the 1980’s.