Vitt, Aleksandr
Vitt, Aleksandr Adol’fovich
Born 1902; died 1937. Soviet physicist. One of the founders of a school of specialists in the area of the theory of nonlinear oscillation.
Vitt graduated from Moscow State University in 1924 and became a professor there. Together with A. A. Andronov, he developed a rigorous mathematical theory of autooscillation and laid the basis for a statistical theory of autooscillatory systems with distributed parameters. Vitt wrote (with S. E. Khaikin and Andronov) the classic monograph Theory of Oscillations (1937).
Teoriia kolebanii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1937. (With others.)“Razryvnye periodicheskie reshenüa i teoriia mul’tivibratora Abragama i Blokha.” Dokl. AN SSSR, Ser. A, 1930, no. 8 (With A. A. Andronov.)
“O tonakh membrany, zakreplennoi v konechnom enisle tochek.” Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 1931, vol. 1, nos. 1-2. (With S. Shubin).
“O statisticheskom rassmotrenii dinamicheskikh sistem.” Zhurnal eksperimental’noi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1933, vol. 3, issue 3. (With others.)
“Raspredelennye avtokolebatel’nye sistemy.” Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 1934, vol. 4, p. 1.
“K teorii skripichnoi struny.” Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 1936, vol. 6, issue 9.