

P0606100 (prō-skrīb′)tr.v. pro·scribed, pro·scrib·ing, pro·scribes 1. To prohibit; forbid: foods that are proscribed by religious dietary laws. See Synonyms at forbid.2. To denounce or condemn: "The small sins of natural pleasure that we see ... mildly proscribed in the confession manuals of the late Middle Ages" (James Turner).3. a. To banish or outlaw (a person): "Emperors took it on themselves to proscribe heretics" (Garry Wills).b. To publish the name of (a person) as outlawed.
[Middle English proscriben, from Latin prōscrībere, to put up someone's name as outlawed : prō-, in front; see pro-1 + scrībere, to write; see skrībh- in Indo-European roots.]
pro·scrib′er n.