释义 |
prorubricyte[prō′rü·brə‚sīt] (histology) pronormoblast prorubricyte
erythroblast [ĕ-rith´ro-blast] a term originally used for any type of nucleated erythrocyte" >erythrocyte, but now usually limited to one of the nucleated precursors of an erythrocyte, i.e. one of the developmental stages in the series" >erythrocytic series, in contrast to a megaloblast. In this usage, it is called also normoblast.basophilic erythroblast a nucleated precursor in the series" >erythrocytic series, preceding the polychromatophilic erythroblast and following the proerythroblast; the cytoplasm is basophilic, the nucleus is large with clumped chromatin, and the nucleoli have disappeared. Called also basophilic normoblast.orthochromatic erythroblast see normoblast.polychromatic erythroblast (polychromatophilic erythroblast) see normoblast.pro·ru·bri·cyte (prō-rū'bri-sīt), Basophilic normoblast. See: erythroblast. [pro- + rubricyte] basophilic normoblast A cell that is smaller (l0 to 17 µm in diameter) than a pronormoblast but similar in cellular and nuclear shape. The chromatin is somewhat condensed; the nuclei of large or early basophilic normoblasts may reveal single nucleoli, but those of small or late basophilic normoblasts lack nucleoli; a perinuclear halo is often visible. the cytoplasm is greater in amount than in the pronormoblasts, surrounds the nucleus and is uniformly deep blue; the N:C ratio is ± 6:1.pro·ru·bri·cyte (prō-rū'bri-sīt) Basophilic normoblast. See also: erythroblast[pro- + rubricyte] |