SokolSkii, Grigorii Ivanovich
Sokol’Skii, Grigorii Ivanovich
Born Mar. 12 (24), 1807, in Moscow; died there Feb. 28 (Mar. 12), 1886. Russian doctor of internal medicine; one of the founders of the study of rheumatic fever.
Sokol’skii graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1828 and from the professors’ institute of the University of Dorpat (Tartu) in 1832. He received the degree of doctor of medicine in 1832. In 1835 he was appointed extraordinary professor of special pathology and internal medicine at Moscow University, and in 1838, professor ordinarius.
Sokol’skii’s main works dealt with the pathology of the heart and with tuberculosis and other lung diseases. In 1836, independently of the French physician J. B. Bouillaud, Sokol’skii described rheumatic endocarditis (which later became known as Bouillaud-Sokol’skii disease). Sokol’skii contributed to the introduction of auscultation and percussion into medical practice. He described the sound produced by pleural friction with dry pleurisy and the phenomenon of clapotement (a splashing sound) with hydropneumothorax.
“O vrachebnom issledovanii s pomoshch’iu slukha, osobenno pri posredstve stetoskopa.” Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal, 1835, part 26, no. 2.“O revmatizme myshechnoi tkani serdtsa.” Uch. zap. Moskovskogo un-ta, 1836, part 12, no. 12.
Uchenie o grudnykh bolezniakh. Moscow, 1838.
Magazanik, M. L. “U istokov otechestvennoi ftiziatrii.” Problemy tuberkuleza, 1948, no. 3.Petrov, B. D. Ocherki istorii otechestvennoi meditsiny. Moscow, 1962.
Lushnikov, A. G. “Klassiki russkoi meditsiny XIX stoletiia. G. I. Sokol’skii.” Communicationes ex bibliotheca historiae medicae dhungarica, 1963, no. 28.