Sokolovskii, Pavel Aleksandrovich

Sokolovskii, Pavel Aleksandrovich


Born Nov. 1 (13), 1847, in the village Khriashchevka, in what is now Stavro-pol’skii Raion, Kuibyshev Oblast; died Nov. 26 (Dec. 9), 1906, in St. Petersburg. Russian economist and historian of liberal Narod-nik (Populist) orientation.

Sokolovskii graduated from Moscow University in 1870 and became librarian of the Public Library in St. Petersburg in 1876. In 1890 he became secretary of the St. Petersburg branch of the Committee of Rural Savings and Loan Associations and editor of the committee’s publications. Sokolovskii studied the history of rural communes and problems of agricultural credit. Considering the commune in contemporary rural Russia to be free of stratification, he believed that it could serve as a basis for a noncapitalist path of development in Russia. He advocated the organization of large-scale agricultural credit, seeing in it a guarantee for the growth of the well-being of the peasantry as a whole.


“Ocherk istorii sel’skoi obshchiny na severe Rossii.” Znanie, 1877, no 1.
Ekonomicheskii byt zemledelcheskogo naseleniia Rossii i kolonizat-siia iugo-vostochnykh slepei pered krepostnym pravom. St. Petersburg, 1878.
Uchrezhdeniia melkogo kredita i selskokhoziastvennye lovarishchestva v 1898g. St. Petersburg, 1900.


Ocherki istorii istoricheskoi nauki v SSSR, vol. 2. Moscow, 1960. Pa ges 197–98.