Sokolov, Nikolai Alekseevich
Sokolov, Nikolai Alekseevich
Born Oct. 3 (15), 1856, in St. Petersburg; died there Feb. 2–3 (15–16), 1907. Russian geologist. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1905).
Sokolov graduated fron the University of St. Petersburg in 1879. In 1897 he became senior geologist for the Geological Committee. His principal works dealt with the geology and paleontology of Tertiary sediments. Sokolov classified the Paleo-gene sediments of the Ukraine as consisting of four stages—the Buchak, Kiev, Kharkov, and Poltava suites. In 1901 he headed surveys of petroliferous areas in the Caucasus and studied the origin of Black Sea limans and the formation of dunes. Sokolov described the manganese ores found near Nikopol’.
Diuny, ikh obrazovanie, razvitie i vnutrennee stroenie. St. Petersburg, 1884.“Nizhnetretichnye otlozheniia iuzhnoi Rossii.” (Trudy Geologicheskogo komiteta, vol. 9, no. 2.) St. Petersburg, 1893.