Sokolov, Andrei Vasilevich
Sokolov, Andrei Vasil’evich
Born July 25 (Aug. 6), 1898, in Balashov, in what is now Saratov Oblast. Soviet agricultural chemist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964).
Sokolov graduated from the K. A. Timiriazev Moscow Agricultural Academy in 1922. He worked at agricultural experimental stations from 1923 to 1930, when he became director of the phosphorus laboratory at the la. V. Samoilov Scientific Research Institute of Fertilizers, Insecticides, and Fungicides. In 1942, maintaining his position at the laboratory, he became director of the department of agricultural chemistry at the V. V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute.
Sokolov’s research has focused on the agricultural chemistry of mineral fertilizers, the properties, from the standpoint of agricultural chemistry, of soils, and the experimental techniques and analytical methods used in agricultural chemistry, in particular, isotope methods. He was one of the managing editors of the collection Agrokhimicheskaia kharakteristika pochv SSSR (Agricultural-Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the USSR, vols. 1–16, 1962–76) and of Svodnye vypuski (Summary Reports, vol. 1, 1974), which pertains to the above collection.
Sokolov has received the D. N. Prianishnikov Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1971. He has also been awarded the Order of Lenin, four other orders, and various medals.
Raspredelenie pitatel’nykh veshchestv v pochve i urozhai rastenii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947.Agrokhimiia fosfora. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.
Agrokhimicheskie melody issledovaniia pochv, 4th ed. Moscow, 1965. (With others.)