Acronym | Definition |
TARS➣Traffic and Road Safety (University of Waikato; New Zealand) |
TARS➣Telephone Action Requests System |
TARS➣Tethered Aerostat Radar System |
TARS➣Target Attack Radar System |
TARS➣Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance System |
TARS➣Tropical Agriculture Research Station (USDA; Mayagüez, Puerto Rico) |
TARS➣Tactical Air Reconnaissance System |
TARS➣TeenAge Republican Society |
TARS➣Theatre Airborne Reconnaissance System |
TARS➣Terrestrial Aeronautical Radiotelephone System (provides telephone service on-board select military aircraft 2-4 channels) |
TARS➣Terrain and Radar Simulator |
TARS➣Theater Army Replacement System |
TARS➣Travel Accor Reservation System |
TARS➣Trade Acceptance and Reconciliation Service |
TARS➣Terminal Automated Radar Services |
TARS➣Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance |
TARS➣Test Analysis and Retrieval System |
TARS➣Travelers Advisory Radio Stations |
TARS➣Technical Area Requirements Specification |
TARS➣Training and Administrative Reserves (on active duty) |
TARS➣Task Assignment & Reporting System |
TARS➣Time Activity Reporting System |