Prophetstown State Park

Prophetstown State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Indiana
Location:Exit 178 off I-65 onto State Road 43, left onto Burnett Road, then right on 9th Street to Swisher Road and Park gatehouse.
Facilities:110 campsites, all with electricity (half also have waterand sewer hookups), picnic areas, shelters, playground, modernrestrooms, asphalt biking and hiking trail, nature trail, interpretiveservices (seasonal); historic Native American village and 1920s livinghistory museum nearby.
Activities:Camping, hiking, bicycling, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Dedicated in 2004, the park is named for a Native American village locatedbetween the Tippecanoe and Wabash rivers. The village was establishedby Tecumseh and his brother, Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) in 1808 and wasdestroyed in an 1811 battle between tribes that had gathered there torepel further European settlement and troops sent by William HenryHarrison, then-governor of Indiana Territory. Visitors to the park canexplore the re-created village at nearby Historic Prophetstown.
Address:PO Box 327
Battle Ground, IN 47920

Size: 1,800 acres.

See other parks in Indiana.