Saint-Amand Bazard
Bazard, Saint-Amand
Born Sept. 19, 1791, in Paris; died July 29, 1832, in Courtrai. French Utopian socialist.
Under the Bourbon Restoration, Bazard was one of the leaders of a clandestine Carbonari organization. Between 1828 and 1829 he gave systematic public lectures, An Exposition of Saint-Simonian Doctrine (Russian translation, 1947), in which he developed the socialist tendencies in Saint-Simonism. With the transformation of Saint-Simonism into a religious commune, Bazard and Enfantin became its “supreme fathers.” Bazard’s disagreements with Enfantin on questions of marriage and the family led to his leaving the commune.
Volgin, V. P. Sen-Simon i sen-simonizm. Moscow, 1961.Spühler, W. Saint-Simonismus: Lehre und Leben von Saint-Amand Bazard. Zürich, 1926.