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a·ze·o·trope A0560100 (ə-zē′ə-trōp′, ā′zē-)n. A liquid mixture of two or more substances that boils at a constant characteristic temperature lower or higher than any of its components and that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state. [a- + Greek zein, to boil; see zeolite + Greek -tropos, turning; see -tropous.] a′ze·o·trop′ic (ā′zē-ə-trŏp′ĭk, -trō′pĭk) adj.a′ze·ot′ro·py (-ŏt′rə-pē) n.azeotrope (əˈziːəˌtrəʊp) n (Elements & Compounds) a mixture of liquids that boils at a constant temperature, at a given pressure, without change of composition[C20: from a-1 + zeo-, from Greek zein to boil + -trope] azeotropic adja•ze•o•trope (əˈzi əˌtroʊp, ˈeɪ zi-) n. any liquid mixture having constant minimum and maximum boiling points and distilling off without decomposition and in a fixed ratio. [1910–15; a-6 + Greek zé(ein) to boil + -o- + -trope] a•ze•o•trop•ic (ˌeɪ zi əˈtrɒp ɪk, -ˈtroʊ pɪk) adj. azeotrope(azeotropic mixtures) A mixture of liquids which boils without a change in composition. When it boils it gives off a vapor whose composition is the same as the liquid.TranslationsazeotropeenUK
azeotrope[ā′zē·ə‚trōp] (chemistry) azeotropic mixture azeotropeenUK
azeotrope [a´ze-o-trōp″] a mixture of two substances that has a constant boiling point and cannot be separated by fractional distillation. adj., adj azeotrop´ic.a·ze·o·trope (ā-zē'ō-trōp), A mixture of two or more liquids that boils without a change in proportion of the substances either in the liquid or the vapor phase, for example, 95% ethanol (actually 94.9% by volume, the rest being water). [G. a- priv. + zeō, to boil, + tropos, a turning] azeotrope A mixture of two or more liquids, which boils without change in proportion in either the liquid or vapour phase, meaning they cannot be separated by distillation.a·ze·o·trope (ā'zē-ō-trōp) A mixture of two or more liquids that boils without change in proportion of the liquids, either in the liquid or the vapor phase. A mixture of two or more liquids that boils without change in proportion of the liquids, either in the liquid or the vapor phase. [G. a- priv. + zeō, to boil, + tropos, a turning] |