

单词 prophet



soothsayer; predictor: prophet of doom
Not to be confused with:profit – gain; benefit; income from investments or property: The sale made a profit.


P0583200 (prŏf′ĭt)n.1. a. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.b. One of the highest-ranking leaders of the Mormon church, considered by the faithful to be divinely inspired, and responsible for establishing and revising doctrine.2. A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.3. A predictor; a soothsayer.4. The chief spokesperson of a movement or cause.5. a. Prophets(used with a sing. or pl. verb) The second of the three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures, comprising the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve. Used with the. See Table at Bible.b. Prophet One of the prophets mentioned in the Bible, especially one believed to be the author of one of these books. Used with the.6. Prophet Islam Muhammad. Used with the.
[Middle English prophete, from Old French, from Latin prophēta, from Greek prophētēs : pro-, forth; see pro-2 + -phētēs, speaker (from phanai, to speak; see bhā- in Indo-European roots).]
proph′et·hood′ n.


(ˈprɒfɪt) n1. (Theology) a person who supposedly speaks by divine inspiration, esp one through whom a divinity expresses his will. 2. a person who predicts the future: a prophet of doom. 3. a spokesman for a movement, doctrine, etc4. (Christian Churches, other) Christian Science a. a seer in spiritual mattersb. the vanishing of material sense to give way to the conscious facts of spiritual truth[C13: from Old French prophète, from Latin prophēta, from Greek prophētēs one who declares the divine will, from pro-2 + phanai to speak] ˈprophetess fem n ˈprophet-ˌlike adj


(ˈprɒfɪt) n1. (Islam) the principal designation of Mohammed as the founder of Islam2. (Christian Churches, other) a name for Joseph Smith as founder of the Mormon Church


(ˈprɒf ɪt)

n. 1. a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. 2. (in the Old Testament) a. a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel. b. (often cap.) one of the Major or Minor Prophets. 3. one of a class of persons in the early Christian church recognized as inspired to utter special revelations and predictions. 1 Cor. 12:28. 4. the Prophet, Muhammad, the founder of Islam. 5. a person regarded as, or claiming to be, an inspired teacher or leader. 6. a person who foretells the future. 7. a person who speaks for some doctrine, cause, or movement. [1150–1200; Middle English prophete < Late Latin prophēta < Greek prophḗtēs=pro- pro-2 + -phētēs speaker, derivative (with -tēs agent suffix) of phánai to speak]


Someone who brings a message from God to the people. They most frequently spoke of true worship of God, upright living, and the coming of the messiah.
Noun1.prophet - an authoritative person who divines the futureprophet - an authoritative person who divines the futureoracle, prophesier, vaticinator, seeraugur, auspex - (ancient Rome) a religious official who interpreted omens to guide public policydiviner - someone who claims to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of supernatural powersprophetess - a woman prophetsibyl - (ancient Rome) a woman who was regarded as an oracle or prophet
2.prophet - someone who speaks by divine inspiration; someone who is an interpreter of the will of Godreligious person - a person who manifests devotion to a deity


prophetessnoun soothsayer, forecaster, diviner, oracle, seer, clairvoyant, augur, sibyl, prognosticator, prophesier Merlin, the legendary magician and prophetprophet of doom pessimist, Cassandra, Jeremiah, doom merchant, doom-monger, doomster The prophets of doom were predicting that the glory days were over.Related words
adjective vatic
"A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country" Bible: St. Mark


nounA person who foretells future events by or as if by supernatural means:augur, auspex, diviner, foreteller, haruspex, prophesier, prophetess, seer, sibyl, soothsayer, vaticinator.


(ˈprofəsi) plural ˈprophecies noun1. the power of foretelling the future. 預言能力 预言能力2. something that is foretold. He made many prophecies about the future. 預言 预言ˈprophesy (-sai) verb to foretell. He prophesied (that there would be) another war. 預言 预言ˈprophet (-fit) feminine ˈprophetess noun1. a person who (believes that he) is able to foretell the future. 預言者 预言者2. a person who tells people what God wants, intends etc. the prophet Isaiah. 先知 先知proˈphetic (-ˈfe-) adjective 預言的 预言的proˈphetically adverb 預言地 预言地
prophecy is a noun: Her prophecy (not prophesy) came true.
prophesy is a verb: to prophesy (not prophecy) the future.


prophet of doom

A person who always warns others about possible negative consequences of decisions or actions. Don't tell Rodney about your new plan—he's such a prophet of doom that he'll completely kill your motivation.See also: doom, of, prophet

a prophet is not without honor save in his own country

One will not be regarded as a figure of authority or knowledge within one's own community, as the people there will not feel like one has the right to preach to them. Spoken by Jesus in the Bible passage Mark 6:4 in reference to the fact that the people of Nazareth refused to believe in him as a prophet. He has a very large following in parts of Europe and Asia, even though he is largely denounced as a dangerous radical here. A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.See also: country, honor, not, own, prophet, save, without

prophet is not without honor save in his own country

Prov. Everyone recognizes that a wise person is wise, except for the people close to him or her. (Biblical.) No one in the novelist's country would publish her books, but last year she won the Nobel Prize. A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.See also: country, honor, not, own, prophet, save, without

a ˌprophet of ˈdoom


a ˈdoom merchant

a person who always expects that things will go very badly: Various prophets of doom have suggested that standards in education are worse than ever.See also: doom, of, prophet



[Gr.,=foreteller], a religious leader and spokesperson, particularly used in the Bible. The prophets emitted messages from the divine through inspired speech, the interpretation of omens and dreams, and the casting of lots and divination. The word derives from Greek cults, in which prophets interpreted answers to questions put to oracular mediums (see oraclesoracle,
in Greek religion, priest or priestess who imparted the response of a god to a human questioner. The word is also used to refer to the response itself and to the shrine of a god. Every oracular shrine had a fixed method of divination.
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). The concept of a divine interpreter is common in religion, yet the function varies according to culture; thus the term can be defined only with respect to a particular religion. Usually prophet connotes inspired utterance of a spontaneous nature, while priest suggests established ritual duties.

The Prophetic Tradition in the Ancient Middle East

Prophets are clearly evident in Mesopotamia from the first centuries of the 2d millennium B.C. They are mentioned in texts from Emar, Egypt, and Aram, as well as from Assyria during the Old Testament period. In Assyria, prophets appear to have been closely associated with the court, delivering oracles regarding the prospects of foreign policies.

The phenomenon of prophetic speech is also present in Israel from the monarchical era to the post-exilic era. Court prophets (e.g., Nathan), as well as unofficial prophets (e.g., Amos) are attested. Not all the prophets of Israel left deposits of oracles. The most extensive of the collections are found in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. The title of prophet is also accorded to others of varying importance, e.g., Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Nathan, and Jehu. Certain of their divine mission to purify Israel's religion, the prophets attacked many aspects of people's lives and came forward as the advocates of the poor and oppressed and as the leaders in social reform. According to them, Israel could be reconciled with God only by complete purification in religion and in the state. It is part of traditional Christian belief, found in the Nicene Creed and Second Peter, that the Holy Spirit "spoke through the prophets" concerning the intentions of God for his people.

In Christianity and Islam

In the New Testament, the term prophecy is used of enthusiastic, presumably inspired utterances. This tradition was perpetuated in MontanismMontanism
, apocalyptic movement of the 2d cent. It arose in Phrygia (c.172) under the leadership of a certain Montanus and two female prophets, Prisca and Maximillia, whose entranced utterances were deemed oracles of the Holy Spirit.
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, an early Christian sect (late 2d cent. A.D.). Such prophecy has a somewhat dubious history in Christianity (e.g., in Joachim of Floris and Joanna Southcott), but there have been millennialists and miracle-working preachers among the unassailably orthodox (e.g., St. Vincent Ferrer). Some varieties of Protestantism have emphasized "inspired" utterances or behavior; the most spectacular were the Anabaptists (e.g., Thomas Münzer and John of Leiden). Emanuel Swedenborg and Joseph Smith are examples of self-proclaimed prophets who came out of Protestant backgrounds. Islam confesses MuhammadMuhammad
[Arab.,=praised], 570?–632, the name of the Prophet of Islam, one of the great figures of history, b. Mecca. Early Life

Muhammad was the son of Abdallah ibn Abd al-Muttalib and his wife Amina, both of the Hashim clan of the dominant Kuraish (Quraysh)
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 as the last and greatest of prophets. He gathered a community based on his being the divine messenger of the final revelation of God.

Among Native Americans

Native American prophets resembled the great prophets of Israel in preaching a definite message; the ordinary medicinal healer (see shamanshaman
, religious practitioner in various, generally small-scale societies who is believed to be able to diagnose, cure, and sometimes cause illness because of a special relationship with, or control over, spirits.
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) had no such role. The Native American prophet in the late 18th and the 19th cent. normally foretold the regeneration of the indigenous peoples and the recapture of lands from the settlers, provided that Native Americans accepted the idea of ethnic brotherhood and that they follow prescribed religious practices. Frequently prophets were connected with their military leaders, such as the Delaware ProphetDelaware Prophet
, fl. 18th cent., Native American leader. His real name is not known. He began preaching (c.1762) among the Delaware of the Muskingum valley in Ohio. He spoke against intertribal war, drunkenness, polygamy, and the use of magic, and he promised his hearers that
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 with PontiacPontiac,
fl. 1760–66, Ottawa chief. He may have been the chief met by Robert Rogers in 1760 when Rogers was on his way to take possession of the Western forts for the English.
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, and the Shawnee ProphetShawnee Prophet,
1775?–1837?, Native North American of the Shawnee tribe; brother of Tecumseh. His Native American name was Tenskwautawa. He announced himself as a prophet bearing a revelation from the Native American master of life.
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 with his brother, TecumsehTecumseh
, 1768?–1813, chief of the Shawnee, b. probably in Clark co., Ohio. Among his people he became distinguished for his prowess in battle, but he opposed the practice of torturing prisoners.
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. Two later prophets of renown were SmohallaSmohalla
, c.1815–1907, Native American prophet, chief of a small tribe (the Wanapun) of the Columbia River valley. He preached a religion based on a vision of returning to Native American modes of living.
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 and Wovoka (of the Ghost DanceGhost Dance,
central ritual of the messianic religion instituted in the late 19th cent. by a Paiute named Wovoka. The religion prophesied the peaceful end of the westward expansion of whites and a return of the land to the Native Americans.
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See R. R. Wilson, Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel (1980); D. E. Aune, Prophecy in Society in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World (1983); J. Blenkinsopp, A History of Prophecy in Israel (1983); J. Barton, Oracles of God (1986).


any ‘individual bearer of charisma (e.g. as demonstrated by ecstatic powers or MAGIC) who by virtue of his or her mission, ‘proclaims a religious doctrine or divine commandment’ (WEBER, 1922). For Weber, it is the ‘personal call’ and personal revelation of the prophet which distinguishes him or her from the priest, who has authority only as the 'servant of a sacred tradition’. Weber also notes that prophets have usually come from outside the priesthood.

A further significant distinction in Weber's discussion is that between ethical prophecy, in which the prophet proclaims God's will (e.g. Mohammed), and exemplary prophecy, where the prophet demonstrates by personal example the way to personal salvation (e.g. Buddha). According to Weber, the latter is characteristic of the Far East and the former appears initially in the Near East, and is associated with the appearance of conceptions of a personal, transcendental, ethical God only in this region. See also MONOTHEISM.

Prophet; Prophecy

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

A prophet is one who speaks the will of a deity, quite often revealing future events. The ancient Hebrews called a prophet nabhi. In the early period (c. 1050–1015 BCE), a nabhi appeared to be little more than a fortune-teller. Rather than claiming to use any special techniques that would draw such information, the nabhi simply made him or herself receptive to whatever messages or prophecies might come from deity. David Christie-Murray said, “The prophets aimed not so much at foretelling the future as at describing what they saw as the will of God in the circumstances of their time. But in doing so, their prophesies were fulfilled, often in ways more profound and long lasting than they ever imagined.”

The Bible’s Old Testament used the term prophet very loosely, applying it to all those who were “friends” of God. For example, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam were all named as prophets though Moses was the only true prophet of the four, as “the appointed mouthpiece of divine laws,” according to Geoffrey Ashe. There were those who became known as the “Fanatical Prophets.” In I Samuel, 10, there are bands of prophets who existed c.1000 BCE, in Gibeah and Ramah. They were devotees of the national deity Jehovah (Yahweh). They were stimulated by rhythmic music, dancing and chanting, building up into ekstasis (ecstasy) when their frenzied behavior exercised a hypnotic effect on the onlookers.

In ancient Greece the prophets were generally attached to the oracles, and in Rome they were represented by the augurs. In ancient Egypt the priests of Ra at Memphis acted as prophets. The Druids were frequently prophets to the Celtic people.


Ashe, Geoffrey: Man, Myth & Magic: Prophecy. London: BPC Publishing, 1970Christie-Murray, David: Mysteries of Mind Space & Time: The Unexplained. Westport: H.S. Stuttman, 1992Spence, Lewis: An Encyclopedia of the Occult. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1920

What does it mean when you dream about a prophet?

A prophet in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is seeking or needs guidance and spiritual advice. The dream itself may provide that assistance, if the dreamer internalizes the inspirational feeling they receive from the dream encounter.


1. a person who supposedly speaks by divine inspiration, esp one through whom a divinity expresses his will 2. Christian Sciencea. a seer in spiritual matters b. the vanishing of material sense to give way to the conscious facts of spiritual truth


the1. the principal designation of Mohammed as the founder of Islam 2. a name for Joseph Smith as founder of the Mormon Church


PROPHETProgram for Research on Oxidants: Photochemistry, Emissions, and Transport (Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI)
PROPHETPro-Active Rehabilitation of Outside Plant using Heuristic Expert Techniques


Related to prophet: Prophet Mohammed, Prophet Muhammad
  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for prophet

noun soothsayer


  • soothsayer
  • forecaster
  • diviner
  • oracle
  • seer
  • clairvoyant
  • augur
  • sibyl
  • prognosticator
  • prophesier

phrase prophet of doom


  • pessimist
  • Cassandra
  • Jeremiah
  • doom merchant
  • doom-monger
  • doomster

Synonyms for prophet

noun a person who foretells future events by or as if by supernatural means


  • augur
  • auspex
  • diviner
  • foreteller
  • haruspex
  • prophesier
  • prophetess
  • seer
  • sibyl
  • soothsayer
  • vaticinator

Synonyms for prophet

noun an authoritative person who divines the future


  • oracle
  • prophesier
  • vaticinator
  • seer

Related Words

  • augur
  • auspex
  • diviner
  • prophetess
  • sibyl

noun someone who speaks by divine inspiration

Related Words

  • religious person




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