(ăzərī`ə), common name in ancient Israel, especially among the priests. The following occurrences of the name in the Bible do not necessarily all refer to different persons. 1 Chief officer under Solomon. 2 Chief officer under Solomon. 3 Father of SeraiahSeraiah, in the Bible. 1 See Shavsha. 2 High priest under Zedekiah. 3 Companion of Zedekiah. 4 Captain at Mizpah. 5 Father of Joab. 6 Grandfather of Jehu. 7 Leader in the return with Zerubbabel. An alternate form is Azariah.
..... Click the link for more information. (2.) 4 Prophet who stirred King Asa to reform. 5 King of Judah: see UzziahUzziah
, in the Bible, king of Judah, son and successor of Amaziah. He rebuilt Elath, port on the Gulf of Aqaba. He was stricken with leprosy after usurping the duties of high priest. He was succeeded by Jotham. He is referred to as Ozias in the Gospel of St. Matthew.
..... Click the link for more information. (1.) 6 Same as AhaziahAhaziah
, in the Bible. 1 King of Israel, son of Ahab. He was a worthy successor of his father only in that he followed Ahab's religious views. He was succeeded by his brother Jehoram (1.) 2 King of Judah, son of Jehoram (2) and Athaliah (1.
..... Click the link for more information. (2.) 7 High priest who withstood King Uzziah. 8 High priest under Hezekiah. 9, 10 Sons of King Jehoshaphat. 11, 12 Aides of Jehoiada in the conspiracy against Athaliah. 13 Worker on the wall of Jerusalem. 14 Same as SeraiahSeraiah
, in the Bible. 1 See Shavsha. 2 High priest under Zedekiah. 3 Companion of Zedekiah. 4 Captain at Mizpah. 5 Father of Joab. 6 Grandfather of Jehu. 7 Leader in the return with Zerubbabel. An alternate form is Azariah.
..... Click the link for more information. (7.) 15 Interpreter of the law. 16 Sealer of the covenant. 17 Priest in postexilic Jerusalem. His name also appears as Seraiah. 18 See JaazaniahJaazaniah
, in the Bible. 1 Head of a number of idolatrous priests whom Ezekiel saw in a vision. 2 Captain active in the politics of Palestine at the time of the fall of Jerusalem. Alternate forms are Jezaniah and Azariah.
..... Click the link for more information. . 19 One of the Three Young MenThree Young Men,
in the Book of Daniel, the three men cast by Nebuchadnezzar into the fiery furnace and delivered by an angel. Their names are Abed-nego, Shadrach, and Meshach, in Babylonian; Azariah, Hananiah, and Mishael, in Hebrew; and Azarias, Ananias, and Misael, in Greek.
..... Click the link for more information. . Azarias is the Greek form of his name.