Perttunen, Arkhip
Perttunen, Arkhip Ivanovich
Born 1769 in the village of Ladvozero, northern Karelia; died there circa 1841. Karelian folktale narrator.
The runes narrated by Perttunen and transcribed by E. Lönn-rot in 1834 formed the basis of the Kalevala epic. They are marked by great literary merit. Perttunen’s son Mikhail Ar-khipovich Perttunen (1815-99) and the latter’s grandniece Tat’-iana Alekseevna Perttunen (1881-1963) were also rune narrators.
Izbrannye runy Arkhipa Perttunena. [Translation and introductory article by V. Evseev.] Petrozavodsk, 1948.Karel’skie epicheskie pesni. [Foreword by V. Evseev.] Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.
Arhippa Perttusen runot. Helsinki, 1965.