Acronym | Definition |
SOG➣Studies and Observation Group |
SOG➣Son of a Gun |
SOG➣Shots on Goal (hockey) |
SOG➣Stages of Growth |
SOG➣Stroke of Genius |
SOG➣Special Operations Group |
SOG➣Spin on Glass |
SOG➣Strait of Georgia (British Columbia, Canada) |
SOG➣Sea of Green (cannabis harvesting) |
SOG➣Sync on Green |
SOG➣Sign of God |
SOG➣Speed over Ground |
SOG➣Sous-Officiers de Gendarmerie (French: Deputy Police Officers) |
SOG➣Standard Operating Guideline (fire safety) |
SOG➣Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd. (Canada) |
SOG➣Society of Genealogists (UK) |
SOG➣Shades of Green (Armed Forces Recreation Center, Florida) |
SOG➣Synchronized on Green |
SOG➣Sogenannt (German : so-called) |
SOG➣Statement of Guidance (various organizations) |
SOG➣Son of God |
SOG➣Senior Officials Group |
SOG➣Short Gastrulation |
SOG➣Seat Of Government |
SOG➣Slab on Grade |
SOG➣Save Our Groundwater (New Hampshire) |
SOG➣School of Governance (various locations) |
SOG➣Sergeant Of the Guard |
SOG➣Silicon on Glass |
SOG➣Studies and Operations Group (less common) |
SOG➣Sea-Of-Gates (semiconductors) |
SOG➣Soldiers of God (gaming clan) |
SOG➣Structure and Organization of Government (International Political Science Association) |
SOG➣Sogndal, Norway - Haukasen (Airport Code) |
SOG➣Service Order Gateway |
SOG➣Studieontwijkend Gedrag (Dutch) |
SOG➣Senior Oversight Group |
SOG➣Schweizerische Orchideen-Gesellschaft (German: Swiss Orchid Society) |
SOG➣Special Observations Group |
SOG➣Service Order Grouping |
SOG➣Same Old Grind |
SOG➣Strategic Offering Group (Syntel) |
SOG➣Standard/Standing Operating Guidelines |
SOG➣Surveillance and Observation Group |