Sailor's Creek Battlefield State Park

Sailor's Creek Battlefield State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Virginia
Location:5 miles east of Farmville, Virginia on Rt 617.
Facilities:Picnic areas, nature programs, historical programs.
Activities:Interpretive programs.
Special Features:Site of the last major battle in the Civil War in Virginia. General Lee surrendered at Appomattox 72 hours after this battle, in which he had lost more than half his army. Park is site of the Overton-Hillsman House, a handmade colonial structure that served as a federal field hospital to the wounded of both the northern and southern commands. Bloodstains remain on the floor today. The Hillsman House is open to the public June through August, and by request at other times.
Address:788 Twin Lakes Rd
Green Bay, VA 23942

Size: 321 acres.

See other parks in Virginia.