

单词 vfd



abbr. volunteer fire department


VFDVolunteer Fire Department
VFDVariable Frequency Drive
VFDVacuum Fluorescent Display
VFDValley Fire District (Peninsula, OH)
VFDVeterinary Feed Directive
VFDVirtual Floppy Disk
VFDVotes for Deletion (Wikipedia concept where people can vote for deleting bad articles)
VFDVirtual Field Device
VFDVariable Frequency Speed Drive
VFDVirtual Floppy Drive
VFDVancouver Fire Department (Washington)
VFDVolunteers Fighting Disease
VFDVirtual Flight Deck (aviation)
VFDVerse Fluctuation Declaration (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVerdant Flammable Device (fiction, Lemony Snicket)
VFDVerified Free Distribution
VFDVolunteer Factual Dispatch (Lemony Snicket)
VFDValorous Farms Dairy (fictional, Lemony Snicket)
VFDVariable Field Data
VFDVictoria Fire Department (Canada)
VFDVoice Fax Data
VFDVillage of Fowl Devotees (books by Lemony Snicket)
VFDVoies Ferrées du Dauphiné (French: Railways of the Dauphiné; France)
VFDVernacularly Fastened Door (Lemony Snicket)
VFDValley of Four Drafts
VFDVery Fun Day (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVerbal Fridge Dialogue (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVery Fancy Doilies (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVolunteer Feline Detectives (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVery Fresh Dill (Lemony Snicket)
VFDViolet's Fifteenth Date (Lemony Snicket Books)
VFDVenom Feels Delightful
VFDVery Frightening Danger
VFDVineyard of Fragrant Drapes (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVery Fine Day
VFDvery fine doilies (Lemony Snicket)
VFDVery Fine Dramatists (Lemony Sniket)
VFDViolent Flaming Death
VFDVery Fast Death Factor (toxin class)




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