Acronym | Definition |
VFD➣Volunteer Fire Department |
VFD➣Variable Frequency Drive |
VFD➣Vacuum Fluorescent Display |
VFD➣Valley Fire District (Peninsula, OH) |
VFD➣Veterinary Feed Directive |
VFD➣Virtual Floppy Disk |
VFD➣Votes for Deletion (Wikipedia concept where people can vote for deleting bad articles) |
VFD➣Virtual Field Device |
VFD➣Variable Frequency Speed Drive |
VFD➣Virtual Floppy Drive |
VFD➣Vancouver Fire Department (Washington) |
VFD➣Volunteers Fighting Disease |
VFD➣Virtual Flight Deck (aviation) |
VFD➣Verse Fluctuation Declaration (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Verdant Flammable Device (fiction, Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Verified Free Distribution |
VFD➣Volunteer Factual Dispatch (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Valorous Farms Dairy (fictional, Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Variable Field Data |
VFD➣Victoria Fire Department (Canada) |
VFD➣Voice Fax Data |
VFD➣Village of Fowl Devotees (books by Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Voies Ferrées du Dauphiné (French: Railways of the Dauphiné; France) |
VFD➣Vernacularly Fastened Door (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Valley of Four Drafts |
VFD➣Very Fun Day (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Verbal Fridge Dialogue (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Very Fancy Doilies (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Volunteer Feline Detectives (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Very Fresh Dill (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Violet's Fifteenth Date (Lemony Snicket Books) |
VFD➣Venom Feels Delightful |
VFD➣Very Frightening Danger |
VFD➣Vineyard of Fragrant Drapes (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Very Fine Day |
VFD➣very fine doilies (Lemony Snicket) |
VFD➣Very Fine Dramatists (Lemony Sniket) |
VFD➣Violent Flaming Death |
VFD➣Very Fast Death Factor (toxin class) |